Gasping is quite normal and not dangerous for humans. While gasping may indicate shock, it does not mean that you’re sick
However, the same can’t be said about chicks. This article looks into why your 2 day old chick is gasping.
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2 Day old chick is gasping:
Chicks can’t communicate with us through words but their actions can tell us a lot about what is going on with the bird.
Gasping can mean a variety of things. Here is why chicks gasp and what to do:
Crop adjusting:
One of the reasons why your baby chick may be gasping may be that the bird is simply adjusting its crop.
The crop is located at the base of the bird’s throat and stores food before the food moves down to the bird’s stomach.
If your chick’s crop is too full, then this full crop can be very uncomfortable for the bird.
To relieve this discomfort the bird will adjust its crop.
This action may appear to you as though the bird is gasping for air when the bird isn’t.
This isn’t something out of the ordinary or dangerous for the bird, it is quite normal.
There isn’t anything you can, or should, do in this situation. Simply let the bird adjust its crop in peace.
If the bird is choking:
Another reason why your chick may be gasping for air may be that the bird is choking.
One of the signs of a choking bird is gasping for air as its windpipe is blocked.
Other clues that your bird is choking include extending its neck, flapping its wings wildly, and coughing.
Your bird will usually be able to get the blockage out of its throat on its own, but, you can help the bird if it is struggling.
Help the bird by removing the blockage using your fingers or tweezers.
You can alternatively help by performing the Heimlich maneuver on your bird.
Another way to help would be to flip the bird upside down to let gravity remove the object.
A last resort, for a choking bird, is to take the bird to the vet to have the object removed.
The bird has aspergillosis:
Your young chick may be gasping for air because it has a condition called aspergillosis.
These birds can catch this condition early on, right after hatching, if they inhale fungus in the environment.
Younger birds are more prone to getting this illness because the cilia in their throat, which are meant to sweep out any spores or debris, are not yet mature enough to sweep spores or debris from the bird’s throat.
This condition unfortunately does not have a cure, it is recommended that your bird be taken to the vet for a professional diagnosis.
The bird has gapeworm:
Another reason why your little birds may look like they are gasping for air, may be that they are gasping for air because they have a condition called gapeworm.
You can check whether your bird has this condition by swabbing your bird’s throat using a cotton swab.
If small thin red worms appear on the swab after you’ve rubbed it on the inside of the bird’s throat then the bird likely has this condition.
Note: These worms may choose to live elsewhere in the bird’s respiratory system, or, too deep in the bird’s throat for you to swab.
If the bird does have this condition then treating your chick using Flubenol should work.
It is advised that you isolate this bird during treatment, give it its own food and water in isolation, and also treat the other birds in the flock.
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