Raising a budgie is a lot of responsibility, these birds need to be given the correct amount of nutrients for them to survive and thrive.
If you’re looking to see if you can use apple cider vinegar for your bird then you’re in luck, this article looks into it.
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Apple cider vinegar for budgies:
Humans have been using apple cider vinegar for centuries to treat a myriad of ailments and illnesses.
This vinegar can be used on the skin, on the hair, and in the body as well, some even use it for weight loss. But can this product be used on budgies? Yes, it can, this is how:
In the bird’s body:
Giving apple cider vinegar to budgies is a simple and easy way to get more nutrients into the bird’s body. This vinegar has a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that are great for the bird’s body.
Apple cider vinegar contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus as well as trace minerals.
When looking for an apple cider vinegar to buy for your budgies, make sure you buy the apple cider vinegar that contains “the mother”.
“The mother” consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria, this is the material that sinks to the bottom of the apple cider vinegar bottle.
Make sure that the apple cider vinegar that you buy for your bird is organic, naturally fermented, unpasteurized, and unfiltered, this type will contain the most amount of nutrients.
If your budgies are infected with worms, then you can give them apple cider vinegar to treat this problem. Apple cider vinegar is safe to use in budgies and it will kill off any worms making it an effective and harmless insecticide.
Improving the bird’s digestive tract:
Giving your bird apple cider vinegar will help kill off any bad bacteria in your bird’s digestive tract.
If you choose to feed your bird apple cider vinegar to help improve the bird’s digestive tract, make sure that you offer a probiotic to the bird to reset the bird’s gut flora.
You have to do this because the apple cider vinegar will not only kill off the bad bacteria in the bird’s digestive system but the good bacteria in the bird’s digestive system as well.
Make sure the probiotic that you choose is given a week after the apple cider vinegar treatment is given.
Other internal health benefits:
In addition to the above, apple cider vinegar can help your bird burn fat, strengthen the bird’s immune system, help clear toxins in the bird’s body, help relieve constipation, help get rid of diarrhea as well as get rid of any stubborn fat on your bird
On the bird’s body
To treat wounds:
Apple cider vinegar can help heal wounds on birds. This vinegar speeds up wound healing on the bird’s body.
To treat skin conditions:
Skin conditions, like dry, irritated or itchy skin can negatively affect birds. Adding apple cider vinegar to your bird’s bathwater can help relieve these symptoms
To maintain your bird’s feathers:
Giving your bird an apple cider vinegar bath can make your bird’s wings brighter and more radiant
In the bird’s environment:
Cleaning cages:
Apple cider vinegar is a reliable but non-toxic cleaning agent that you can use to clean your bird’s cage, utensils, and perches.
This vinegar can be used to clean because it is anti-bacterial yet not toxic or harsh, it can safely be used in and around areas where birds live.
Cleaning produce:
Unless the fresh produce that you’re buying is organic, it likely has a layer of pesticides on the skin. Birds do not react well to pesticides, in fact, pesticides can be toxic to birds.
You can use apple cider vinegar to clean off any pesticides from fruits and vegetables before serving them to your bird.
How to dilute the apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar may be very helpful to birds but giving this vinegar to your bird without diluting it can be bad for the bird. Because budgies are small birds, you need to dilute the apple cider vinegar in quite a bit of water.
If you’re looking to feed your budgie apple cider vinegar, give them a solution made up of five drops of apple cider vinegar to 100ml drinking water. Give this solution as their only source of water.
If you’re wanting to add this vinegar to your bird’s bath, create a bathwater solution made up of one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to 500ml of water.
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