Bird Died After Bath (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Birds are quite fragile animals and can become sick, or even die, quickly, and without warning, after a bath.

This article looks into why your bird died after a bath.

Bird died after bath:

Birds need to clean themselves, in fact, these animals love to keep themselves looking clean and beautiful.

Unfortunately, disaster can strike after a bath. Here is why your bird died after a bath:

The bird drowned:

If you bathed your bird in the shower then the bird may have drowned while in the shower.

It is easy for a bird to drown if put directly under a spray of water.

If water gets into the bird’s nares, even for a few moments, then the water will be too much for the bird and the bird may drown.

It is especially easy for small birds to drown this way.

What to do:

You can still help your birds bathe in the future, but, for safety, if you’re pouring water onto the bird, avoid spraying water directly onto them.

It is recommended that you rather indirectly spray water onto the bird.

Make sure that the water does not get into the bird’s nares while spraying.

You can also rather give the bird a bath in a shallow pan of water and avoid showering the bird with water.

The bird knows how to clean itself and will do a good job even when water is not falling onto it.

Also, keep an eye on the bird and listen for choking noises and watch out for too-relaxed behavior while it is bathing.

If you notice this then it may mean that the bird is drowning.

It was a baby bird:

If you’re raising a baby bird, and did not pour water onto the bird but it still died, then the bird may have chilled and died because of the cold.

Baby birds don’t have the same feathers that adult birds do.

Baby ducks don’t have waterproof feathers like adult birds do and baby chicks have feathers that can’t insulate them.

Because of this, these young birds can’t regulate their body temperature and may have gotten too cold after getting out of the bath.

If the bird was left out wet for too long, then the bird could have developed a chill and died because of the cold.

What to do:

When bathing baby birds in the future make sure that you dry the bird as soon as it gets out of the bath.

You can dry the bird using a clean dry towel and or use a hairdryer, set to low, on the bird.

When hair drying make sure you don’t get the hairdryer too close as this could cause the bird to overheat or suffer a burn.

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Bird Died After Bath (2 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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