Feather plucking isn’t normal behavior for birds, birds have feathers in different places for different reasons, and removing them can have dire consequences for the bird.
So what about budgies plucking the feathers from under their wings? Why do they do this? and what should you do about it? This article looks into it.
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Budgie plucking feathers under wings:
When it’s a parasite:
Budgies plucking their wings is unusual behavior. Plucking is unusual behavior when it’s done under the bird’s wings or on any other part of the bird’s body.
If you notice this happening, and you can’t see any external parasites on the bird, then the bird likely has Giardia. Giardia is a type of internal parasite that affects a variety of animals.
What to do:
If you think that your bird is infected with this parasite then you should take your bird to a vet.
Your vet will examine the bird and will likely do a fecal test to see what’s happening internally. Bringing fresh poop to your vet will be very helpful.
Not only will your vet do a fecal test on your bird, but they will also perform lab tests to figure out if anything else is happening with your pet.
Your vet will also check for disease, infection, and hypothyroidism, any of these may also be the reason behind why your bird is plucking its feathers.
Additional information that will help your vet figure out what’s going on with your pet is your bird’s age, the history of your bird, whether or not your bird has lived with other species of birds before, and where you got the bird.
If your bird lived with another bird at any time then this is where it may have picked up some of its feather plucking habits
What to do while waiting for your appointment:
If you’re still waiting to see your vet you can make the bird more comfortable until your appointment.
Your bird’s skin is likely irritated and sore after the feather plucking, soothe the plucked skin by applying some Aloe Vera gel to the area that your bird plucked.
Aloe vera will help calm the skin that your bird plucked and it will also act as a mild disinfectant keeping bacteria and mold in the area at a minimum.
Birds like to groom themselves to maintain their wings and their overall appearance. Unfortunately, these animals can overgroom themselves.
The area under the bird’s wings is an easy to access area for preening and grooming, but sometimes the bird will accidentally over-groom this area.
Overgroomig can also happen if the bird has an infected hair follicle in the area, a wound in the area, or a parasite in the area.
What to do:
Check under the bird’s wing to see if there are any parasites on the skin or if there are any wounds that the bird may be pecking at.
Try not to accidentally harm the animal as you examine it and make sure that you’re gentle with the bird as you do this. If you think that there is something wrong with your bird then consult with a vet
Fewer feathers under the wing:
Birds naturally have fewer feathers under their wings, this is normal.
If you haven’t actually seen the bird plucking the feathers from under their wing, but you notice that the feathers under the wing are a bit more sparse than the rest of the body, then you don’t have to worry, this is quite normal for birds.
However, if the lack of feathers under your bird’s wing is extreme then this is a sign that you need to take the animal to the vet
Why do birds pluck each other’s feathers?
Birds pluck each other’s feathers out of boredom, because they are sexually frustrated, because of a lack of physical activity, or because of malnutrition.
If your birds are harassing each other, the best thing to do for them is to separate the two, this usually resolves the issue
Do bird feathers grow back after being plucked?
Yes, bird feathers will grow back after they’ve been plucked, feathers will grow back a few weeks after they’ve been plucked.
If your bird’s feathers have been plucked then you need to give your animal a good supply of the minerals, protein, and vitamins that help with feather growth, these being biotin, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
Giving these nutrients to birds will ensure that the bird’s wings grow as quickly as they can and grow healthily.
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