Can birds get sick from humans?

All of us know how painful being sick can be, whether it’s a runny nose, a cough or something that can land you in the hospital, being sick can be a real damper on your day. Seeing someone else become sick because of you can make you feel guilty especially if it’s your beloved pet. But can this happen? Can birds get sick from humans? This article looks into it. So if you’re a bird owner, bird lover or are simply curious, Thai article is for you 

Viral illnesses cannot be passed across species, so you cannot give them to your birds but you can still give your bird a bacterial or parasitic infection. If this happens you should quickly take your pet to the vet as the bird can quickly deteriorate it if doesn’t get the treatment that it needs. 

Can birds get sick from humans?

With the exception of bird flu, birds can not be infected by any human viral diseases. Viral diseases are pretty much species-specific. 

On the other hand, bacterial and parasitic infections can be transmitted from humans to birds. It is therefore important that you don’t allow your bird to come in contact with bodily fluids (saliva, urine, faeces). Birds can get very sick if they manage to come in contact with our bodily fluids.

These sicknesses can quickly be very fatal to the birds so it is advisable to contact a vet when this happens. If not your bird will quickly deteriorate and can succumb to the illness.

Can birds get sick from other pets?

While other pets/animals can get infected by birds there is no evidence that supports birds getting sick from other pets. But it is advisable to seek a professional opinion before you make decisions regarding your bird’s health.

Which bird sickness can you treat at home and how?

Treating your bird’s illness at home is not the best idea. Bird illnesses can be fatal to humans. It is advisable to contact your veterinarian once your bird starts to show signs of being sick. It is also important to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the sickness to other pets (if any) or to the human family. It is not advisable to try to treat sick birds at home but you can try to make them comfortable to help them deal with the sickness.

When should you take your bird to the vet? 

When your bird falls unconscious: This is a serious sign that something is wrong and a visit to the vet should be arranged immediately.

Sitting with feathers fluffed up: Birds fluff up their feathers when they are not feeling healthy.

Vomiting: Vomiting is generally a sign that your bird is not feeling well. Check their neck and feathers for evidence of vomiting.

Not eating or drinking: When your bird stops eating it means something is wrong with the bird. Contact a vet immediately.

Change in droppings: A change in the colour of your bird’s excreta or watery excreta is also a sign of sickness in birds especially when it happens frequently.

Can humans get sick from birds?

Yes, humans can get sick from birds. Germs from birds can cause serious illness when they come in contact with humans. Bird droppings contain more than 60 transmissible diseases which can be highly fatal if not treated early.

Bird flu (Avian Influenza): This disease is transmitted through the droppings of infected birds. The virus is fatal in humans and can cause respiratory difficulties, high fever, and a cough.

 Allergic Alveolitis: This disease is transmitted through the air. It makes it difficult to breathe.

 Avian Tuberculosis: This is caused by inhaling microscopic organisms present in the faeces of infected birds. Its symptoms include weight loss, difficulty in breathing and diarrhoea.

 Salmonellosis: It is transmitted through the droppings of birds. It is mostly airborne.

Psittacosis: This is also known as Chlamydiosis. It is transmitted when bacteria comes in contact with a human through breathing or ingestion. This is a very deadly disease and can result in pneumonia.


In conclusion, you can rest assured that your bird won’t catch a viral infection from you and become sick but you still can give your bird a bacterial or paristitic illness. Currently, there is no evidence that would suggest that your bird can get sick from other pets. You should send your bird to a vet as soon as you notice it becoming sick, bird illnesses can quickly cause the bird to deteriorate 

Can birds get sick from humans?
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