Duckweed grows abundantly in North American water bodies, this floating plant can grow in ponds, lakes, marshes, and streams. If there are water bodies close to you, you’ll likely see some duckweed floating around.
Because this plant grows so fast, it can easily cover a large surface area. Some animals use this plant for shelter and others use it as a food source. But can chickens? Can chickens eat duckweed? This article explores this topic
Chickens can definitely eat duckweed, duckweed can be fed as a protein supplement to your chickens, this food can contain up to 50% protein and up to 94% water. Growing this plant is very simple and offers almost endless supplies of feed to your bird
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Can chickens eat duckweed?
A variety of birds eat duckweed, birds like wood ducks, and Canada geese are known to eat this weed.
Chickens can also eat duckweed, giving this plant to your chickens is beneficial as it is both nutritious and affordable. It grows quickly and does not need too much water to grow.
Benefits of chickens eating duckweed:
This food is not only affordable to grow but it is very nutritious for chickens as well. Fresh duckweed contains 5-30% fiber (the slow-growing duckfeed contains 30% fiber).
The plant also offers as much as 92-94% water and is made up of between 30-50% protein.
Chickens need protein, this is an essential nutrient needed for survival. Protein plays a vital role in egg growth, the production of healthy eggs, maintaining the immunity of the bird, and helping the bird adapt to new environments.
Fiber is essential to birds as it helps keep birds healthy. Fiber is helpful as it improves and maintains good digestive health in chickens. Some claim that fiber also delivers some energy to the bird and can improve the bird’s growth
Growing duckweed:
As a bonus, this plant is very easy to grow. It is fast-growing, each colony can double in size over a period of 2-6 days. You can start growing this plant in a barrel filled with water.
Once the plant has outgrown this barrel, you can move it into an IBC tote, thus gives the plant more surface area to grow in. The plant will grow into a thick mat very quickly
How to feed chickens duckweed
Duckweed can be fed to your chickens in its dry or wet state. If your chickens don’t take to eating wet duckweed, don’t be worried.
The birds may initially simply prefer the plant in its dry form, you can begin serving duckweed in its wet form after the bird has become accustomed to eating it dry
Then again, a study found that the best way to feed these animals duckweed is in its dried form. If you choose to feed your bird this way you can simply scoop up a serving-sized portion of duckweed from your water body and lay it out in the sun to dry.
Proceed to mix this feed in with your chicken’s commercial feeder
Can chickens live off of grass?
These animals may peck at grass when they’re foraging, and they may leave patches of earth open while pecking, but the birds aren’t simply eating grass for the sake of eating grass, they are looking for, and eating, the bugs (grubs, worms, and insects) in the grass.
Bugs are a great source of protein for chickens.
Chickens may occasionally eat small pieces of grass blades but they cannot live off of this. In fact, certain grasses can be bad for the bird. Long grasses can ball up in the chicken’s crop and cause crop impaction.
If the bird is not able to pass this blockage, then you’d need to take the bird to a vet to have the blockage removed.
In conclusion, yes chickens can eat duckweed, duckweed is a fast-growing weed that can deliver high amounts of protein and water to your bird. The plant can also deliver some fiber to your bird’s body.
It is best to feed your chickens dry duckweed but the plant can be eaten wet as well. Grass is a weed that chickens cannot eat, in fact, long grasses can be unsafe for chickens as they can cause crop impaction
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