Birds differ from one another, scientists say that there are between 9000 and 10 000 species of birds in existence. Different birds have different nutritional needs.
That being said, a bird can have a very similar diet to birds of another species, so what about chickens and parrots? Can chickens eat parrot feed? This article explores this question
Chickens can have parrot feed but this is not a food that should be given to chickens very often. Parrot feeds usually contain high amounts of fats as well as too low levels of calcium and other vitamins, this is not helpful for chickens. Too much fat will make the chickens obese, also, if a chicken has too little calcium it will produce eggshells that are soft
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Can chickens eat parrot feed?
The healthiest chickens eat a diet of specialized chicken feed, fruits, and vegetables. Feed is specialized according to the type of bird it’s meant for, either the bird is an egg layer or used for meat.
Giving chickens a consistent supply of fruits and vegetables delivers the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to stay in their best shape.
Parrot feed isn’t recommended for chickens but it can be given as a treat
Parrot feed vs chicken feed:
Parrots are given a formula made of pellets or seeds.
Just as with any other specialized feed, parrot pellets aren’t designed to be fed to birds other than parrots, this food is not formulated to deliver the number of nutrients that birds other than parrots need.
In addition, because this feed is a specialty mix, it may be very expensive to feed chicken
Parrots are often given a parrot birdseed mix while chickens are usually fed chicken feed. Parrot feed usually contains high amounts of fat and not enough nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of chickens.
Chicken feed usually contains cereal grains such as sorghum, barley and wheat. Parrot feed usually contains hemp seeds, flaxseeds, barley, buckwheat, corn, and different types of millet.
Calcium in parrot feeds, how these affect chickens:
Parrot feeds are quite high in fat and low in calcium. They are also low in vitamins.
Calcium is very important for poultry, without calcium, both the bird and its eggshells will suffer.
Calcium is needed to build and maintain strong and healthy bones in chickens. Calcium is especially important in egg-laying chickens as calcium is needed to produce strong and hard eggshells.
If chickens only eat parrot feeds and don’t get enough calcium the eggshells on the eggs produced will be of a lesser quality
Fats in parrot feeds, how these affect chickens:
If chickens ingest too much fat, they can gain weight and become obese.
Obese chickens can have difficulty laying eggs. On top of that, overweight chickens can develop fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome, this can be fatal to the bird.
Moderation is key:
With this in mind, parrot seeds and pellets should not form a large part of your chicken’s diet, they can be fed to chickens but they should only be presented as a treat given on occasion.
Also, parrot feed may be more expensive than chicken feed, feeding chickens parrot feed may become too expensive and not worthwhile.
Tip: If your chicken does not enjoy dry parrot feed, you can soak the feed in some water, this will soften it up and your chickens will be more willing to eat it.
What to avoid when serving parrot feed to chickens
Avoid feeding your chicken too much parrot feed.
This feed should be fed to your bird on occasion and as a treat, it’s recommended that treats make up only 5-10% of a chicken’s diet.
The rest of the bird’s diet should consist of specialty chicken feed (which should make up the most of the bird’s diet) as well as fruits and vegetables (which should only make up a small portion of the bird’s diet)
In addition, you should also avoid feeding your bird rancid or spoiled parrot feed.
Can chickens eat other bird seed mixes?
Chickens can eat other bird seed mixes, but just as with parrot feed, these mixes should only be served as a treat to your bird, on occasion and in small quantities.
Chickens can eat parakeet feed, robin feed, wild bird seed, or any other specialty feed as long as the portions are controlled.
In conclusion, yes chickens can eat parrot feed. Chickens can have this feed as a treat on occasion. The bulk of your chicken’s diet should always be specialty chicken feed.
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