Can chickens eat pork? Benefits, Risks, and What to avoid

Chickens need to eat a well-balanced diet in order to maintain good health, unfortunately, it seems that these birds don’t know this. This is why you as a poultry raiser need to feed them the best foods you can.

A chicken’s diet needs to be balanced and varied, giving them a variety of foods ensures that the bird gets all the nutrients it needs. So can pork be included in a chicken’s diet? Can chickens eat pork? This article looks into it 

Chickens can eat pork but this should only be given to the birds as an occasional treat. Yes, the bird will benefit from the protein in the meat but too much protein in the bird’s diet can cause adverse effects. When feeding pork to chickens make sure it’s cooked, not moldy, and not spoilt 

Can chickens eat pork?

Chickens are omnivores, they can eat both plant matter and animal matter, but they don’t need plant matter and animal matter in the same quantities, in fact, they don’t really need much animal matter at all. 

The best diet for chickens consists of specialized feed mixes, fruits, and vegetables. Specialized feed mixes should make up 90% of the bird’s diet and the rest should be fruits and vegetables with the occasional treat.

Chickens can eat pork but this should be served as a treat, a chickens protein needs will usually be covered in the way of specialized feed mixes and or bugs 

Benefits of chickens eating pork

Pork is a great source of protein, if your chicken is lacking in this nutrient then feeding them pork is not a bad idea. 

However, chickens will do just fine with only plant-based protein. Your commercial chicken feed will also contain enough protein for whatever type of chicken you’re feeding. 

Don’t get me wrong, protein is an essential nutrient for chickens.

This nutrient plays a vital role in the production of healthy eggs, it helps the bird adapt to its environment, it plays a significant role in egg growth and it plays a part in building and maintaining the immunity of the bird. 

Risks of chickens eating too much pork:

That being said, too much protein in the bird’s diet can be harmful to the animal.

Too much protein can result in excessive water consumption by the bird, damaged eyes, blistered feet, respiratory issues, loose bowels, and even death.

For this reason, it is important to only give pork to your bird on occasion as a treat. Serving this food as a main meal wouldn’t be the best for them.


Do chickens eat pork fat? 

Chickens can eat pork fat, this fat can be used as a natural replacement for store-bought cooking spray or grease in any meals meant for your chickens.

Unlike humans, chickens can have saturated fats and it won’t be unhealthy for them. Pork fat will deliver energy to the bird and is delicious to them.

Do chickens eat pork sausages? 

Chickens can eat pork sausages, with some caveats. The first being that the sausage needs to be cooked, raw meat can cause illnesses in chickens.

If your sausages contain flavorings, preservatives, or too much salt, then this food should not be given to the bird.

The pork sausages that you give your birds should also have a high meat percentage. Cheaper sausages with a low meat percentage can contain fillers like cellulose, carrageenan, potassium bromate, cereal binders, bread crumbs, maltodextrin, olestra, soy, flours, and oats 

What to avoid when serving pork to chickens

Uncooked pork:

When feeding pork to chickens it is important to cook the meat before feeding.

Uncooked meat, especially pork can carry tapeworms, roundworms, and parasites which can give your bird food poisoning or worse. These illnesses can cause severe complications in your bird and they can even be fatal. 

Processed pork:

You should also avoid giving the bird processed pork. This type of meat is usually enhanced for human consumption with salt and preservatives. Too much salt can dehydrate your bird and can cause eggshell defects.

Spoilt pork:

Moldy or spoilt pork should also not be given to your chickens, this can also lead to food poisoning. Rather discard moldy or spoilt pork. 


In conclusion, yes chickens can eat pork but this food should only be served as a treat and not as a main meal. Chickens get their protein needs met through their feeds and mealworms, they don’t need meats in their diets.

When serving pork to chickens, make sure it is cooked well, fresh, not moldy, and does not contain high amounts of preservatives or salts. 

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Can chickens eat pork? Benefits, Risks, and What to avoid
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