Can Chickens Eat Sugar? Its Unhealthy Effects On Chickens

If you’re raising chickens, you’ll naturally want what’s best for them. Every chicken owner wants their bird to be healthy and happy. Many bird owners know that the best diet for chickens includes natural whole foods.

Because they are omnivores, and because they are opportunistic feeders, these birds will eat almost anything. But how about sugar? Can chickens eat sugar? This article looks into it.

Chickens can eat sugar but eating too much of this food is not good for them. Sugar is not nutritionally significant, it only tastes good to the bird. If the bird takes in too much sugar it can become obese, suffer from fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome, can have trouble regulating its body temperature, and can have trouble laying eggs 

Can chickens eat sugar?

In theory, chickens can eat sugar, but it isn’t recommended.

Chickens in the wild do not regularly eat foods that contain high amounts of sugar. Domesticated chickens usually live well on a diet of specialized chicken feed, fruits, and vegetables. Sugar doesn’t play too much of a role in any of these birds diets.

Too much sugar is bad for humans, and what is usually bad for humans is usually bad for chickens too, this includes too much sugar. 

Effects that sugar has on chickens:

Chickens can eat sugar but it doesn’t do much for the bird. Sugar isn’t nutritionally significant, the food has no proteins, no fiber, no sodium, very little carbohydrates, and virtually no vitamins and minerals.

The only benefit that sugar offers your bird is a sweet delicious taste and a temporary burst of energy.

If your chicken takes in too much sugar, it can suffer negative health effects. A chicken does not need too much sugar in its diet, chickens eat fruits that contain sugar but the main benefit of fruit is their vitamin and mineral content, not the sugar content.

Also, chickens don’t need that much fruit in order to live well, fruits and vegetables should make up only 10% of the bird’s diet and specialized chicken feed should make up 90% of the bird’s diet.

If a chicken eats too much sugar the bird can gain weight and become obese. If a chicken is overweight the bird can develop fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome. This causes the liver to become fragile, this illness also makes the liver prone to bursting.

An overweight chicken is also more prone to suffer from heat exhaustion. The obese chicken’s own body mass will cause it to have difficulty regulating its body temperature, this can cause distress in the bird and even cause death. 

Overweight chickens also run the risk of having difficulty laying eggs. 

Moderation is key

As with any food, too much of anything will be bad for the bird. Whether it’s fruits, vegetables, specialized feed, or sugar. The trick is to serve the bird a well-rounded diet of a variety of foods in order to keep the bird’s diet interesting and to provide a variety of nutrients.

Only give them sugar once in a blue moon 

Do chickens eat sugar cane? 

Chickens would find sugar cane difficult to eat, sugar cane is a fibrous food. Humans, cows, and goats have no problems eating this food because we have teeth, because chickens don’t have teeth they wouldn’t be able to chew this food.

In addition, chickens are not able to digest this fibrous food, in fact, the fibers in sugar cane can develop into balls in a chicken’s crop and block it causing crop impaction. If the bird cannot digest this ball then you’d have to take the bird to the vet to have the blockage removed. 

What sweet food can you feed chickens? 

If you want to give your bird a sweet treat you can offer the bird some fruits.

Fruits not only offer your bird a variety of vitamins and minerals, but they are also a delicious treat for your bird. Here are some fruits that you can serve your chicken:

  • – Grapes
  • – Apples
  • – Raspberries
  • – Blueberries
  • – Watermelon 
  • – Cantaloupe 
  • – Strawberries
  • – Cherries 
  • – Bananas 
  • – Peaches
  • – Plum 
  • – Mango

Tip: It’s ok to feed your chickens fruits that have gone a little soft if they no longer appeal to you, soft fruits won’t negatively affect the bird. Just remember not to give your bird fruits that are moldy or fruits that have spoilt.

Avoid giving your birds citrus fruits because of their high acidity.


In conclusion, yes, chickens can eat sugar, sugar is delicious to chickens and will give them a burst of energy. Unfortunately, sugar can’t provide nutrients to the bird as sugar is lacking in nutrients.

Chickens can’t eat sugar cane but the bird will be able to eat a variety of fruits, just be sure not to feed the bird moldy or spoilt fruit 

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Can Chickens Eat Sugar? Its Unhealthy Effects On Chickens
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