Can Chickens Eat Turkey? Nutrients, How To Serve, What To Avoid

Turkey is a must serve food for many during the festive season, this food can be eaten as is, in sandwiches or in salads. This meat is often shared with household pets if there is enough leftover.

Many of us can assume that animals like dogs and cats can eat turkey but how about chickens? Can chickens eat turkey? This article explores this topic. 

Chickens can definitely eat turkey, this low-fat, high-protein food is an excellent food to give your bird if you have scraps left over after the festive season. This meat can be healthy for your bird as it is a source of B vitamins such as vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.

Can chickens eat turkey?

Chickens aren’t very picky about what they eat, they will eat almost anything. If you have some leftover turkey from the festive season then you may be inclined to feed this food to your birds.

Chickens can definitely eat turkey, chickens are not herbivores, they are omnivores, these birds eat both plant and animal matter. Although the recommended diet for chickens is fruits, vegetables and grains, turkey can be given as a treat 

The chicken will not recognize turkey as another animal, it will simply see the meat as another form of food. Before eating, a chicken will assess the food source to figure out if it can be eaten, if so, the bird will happily peck away at whatever piece of turkey is given.

Benefits of chickens eating turkey:


Turkey is actually a great source of protein for chickens, 100 grams of turkey contains 29 grams of protein. This vital nutrient is needed by all animals, chickens included.

Protein plays a major role in egg production, boosts the immunity of the bird, plays a role in faster muscle growth of the bird, and helps the bird go through the molting process smoother. 

Other vitamins:

In addition, turkey is a good source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. This meat is also lower in fat when compared to red meat.

Feeding chickens lean meat helps keep them at a healthy weight. This is preferred as an obese bird can suffer a variety of health problems. 

Moderation is key:

As much as chickens love and enjoy turkey, this food should be given as a treat rather than as a main meal for chickens. If you do decide to feed turkey to your chicken, only serve small amounts. 

Do chickens eat all parts of the turkey? 

Chickens can eat all parts of a turkey, apart from the bones. The meat is where all the protein is, this part is also very juicy and tender, chickens will love it. Turkey skin is also a great source of beta carotene.

Beta carotene is an antioxidant, it keeps oxidative stress in chickens as low as possible. In addition, beta carotene gets converted into vitamin A in chickens, vitamin A maintains the bird’s skin, eyes, digestive tract, and respiratory system 

How to serve turkey to chickens

It is important to remember that chickens should not be eating too much food in a day. They can survive on no meat a day or be given mealworms but they certainly don’t need meat, thus, they should only be given meat in small quantities. 

You can serve your chicken’s turkey cut up into small pieces, this will allow them to eat the meat with ease. You can also serve the turkey in a bowl, serve the meat separately from their grains because the meat will spoil faster than the grains. 

What to avoid when serving turkey to chickens

Avoid feeding your chicken raw turkey, avoid raw meat of any kind for that matter. Uncooked turkey can lead to chickens developing food poisoning.

Cooking the meat helps to remove any leftover bacteria that may be on the meat. Uncooked turkey can also lead to food poisoning in chickens. 

You also need to make sure that the turkey that you feed your bird is not rotting. Turkey will usually take a little longer to rot compared to fruits and vegetables, but, it will still rot.

Rotten meats can harbor a variety of bacteria that a chicken’s body may not be able to handle. If your turkey is rotting, it’s best to discard it. 


In conclusion, yes, chickens can eat turkey, this food is a good source of protein and contains good amounts of B vitamins. Just remember not to feed your birds raw turkey or rotting turkey. 

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Can Chickens Eat Turkey? Nutrients, How To Serve, What To Avoid
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