Can Chickens Eat Turkey Feed? Risks, Other Feeds For Chickens

A bird can become malnourished if it eats foods that are not tailored to its body, this is why it is so important to feed birds according to their species, though some leeway can be given.

So what about chickens? Can chickens eat turkey feed? This article explores this question 

Chickens can be fed turkey feed but this is not ideal for them. Chickens have different dietary needs than turkeys. Turkey feed usually contains more protein than chickens need and less calcium. If you’re wanting to feed chickens turkey feed, be sure to add calcium into the bird’s diet

Can chickens eat turkey feed?

Birds are different, they differ in size, diets, mating habits, and living conditions. Some birds are raised to eat a meat-only diet, others are raised on a plant-only diet and some eat a mix of both.

Feeds, no matter what type, attract a variety of birds. If you’re feeding your turkey some turkey feed then you may find that chickens will come along and try to eat the feed as well.

The recommended diet for a chicken is specialized chicken feed, fruit, and vegetables. Turkey feed can be given to chickens but this isn’t the best for them. 

Effects of giving chickens turkey feed:

Protein in turkey feed and how it affacts chickens:

Turkeys need more protein than chickens do, and because of this, their feeds contain a higher percentage of protein.

Feeds given to laying hens usually contain 16% protein (around 20-22% when the bird needs a protein boost) turkeys are usually given feeds that contain 26% protein. 

This 10% difference is not ideal for chickens but it won’t kill them either. This higher level of protein is similar to giving the chicken some meat, bugs, or a mouse to eat along with its regular feed.

Feeding chickens turkey feed will likely not overload the bird’s body with too much protein however, keeping an eye on your bird is still a good idea.

Symptoms of excessive protein in a bird’s diet can include excessive water consumption, a strong smell of ammonia in the bird’s feces, and gout. This article further explains the symptoms of too much protein in chickens

Calcium in turkey feed and how it affacts chickens

Laying chickens should not be fed turkey feed if they are not given something to supplement the low levels of calcium in the turkey feed. Protein is very important in a turkeys diet, calcium is very important in a chickens diet.

Egg-laying turkey feed usually contains around 2,25% calcium while egg laying chicken feed usually contains 4% calcium. If you’re feeding a chicken turkey feed, give them additional calcium to promote laying and healthy eggs 

Feeding turkeys chicken feed is not recommended. Turkeys need more protein because they are larger birds. If a turkey is given chicken feed all its life, it won’t grow to its full potential. 

Can baby chicks eat turkey feed?

Baby chickens generally need 20-24 grams of protein in their diet, this is how much protein is present in starter feed. When these birds reach 6 weeks of age, they start having grower feed which contains 16-18% protein.

These feeds are specially designed for these birds growing bodies, they are also customized to have the exact amount of nutrients that the birds need.

Baby chickens should not be given turkey feed because turkey feed contains too much protein. Giving these birds feed that contains too much protein can cause them to develop kidney or liver issues later in life.

What other feeds can chickens eat? 

If you don’t have any chicken feed, or turkey feed, to serve your chicken, you can give them game bird feed. This feed is healthy for them and will give them all the nutrients they need.

That being said, meat chickens can be fed game feed but Cornish cross chickens should not be fed game feed as this can force them to develop too fast.

This may seem like a good thing for you but it can be very bad for the bird. If they are given this feed, their fast growth can negatively affect their skeletal structure as well as their internal organs like their lungs and their heart. 


In conclusion, yes chickens can be given turkey feed but this is not recommended. Chickens and turkeys are different-sized birds and have different nutritional needs.

Laying chickens need high amounts of calcium in order to lay healthy eggs with hard eggshells.

In addition, turkey feeds contain higher amounts of protein than chicken feeds do. Remember to not feed turkey feed to baby chicks as these high levels of protein can cause kidney or liver damage in the birds.

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Can Chickens Eat Turkey Feed? Risks, Other Feeds For Chickens
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