Can Swans Hurt Dogs? (When Swans VS When Dogs Have The Upper Hand)

Swans may be beautiful and elegant creatures but these birds are not to be messed around with, even by natural predators like dogs

This article explores whether swans can hurt dogs

Can swans hurt dogs?

Dogs may seem sweet and adorable to us humans but these animals are natural predators and birds are natural prey.

Dogs like to hunt smaller prey animals for fun to the dismay of the smaller animals but things between swans and dogs can be quite different

While there are different-sized dogs from quite small to fairly large, adult swans are quite large animals across the board, the typical weight of an adult swan is about 25 to 35 pounds and size can play a big role in predator vs prey relationships.

Swans are also quite strong and can overpower dogs in water.

When swans hurt dogs:

One way that a swan can definitely injure and even kill a dog is in the water. Swans are used to being in the water, dogs are not, if a swan gets a dog into the water the bird can quickly and easily kill the dog.

If the duck feels threatened by the dog then the bird will launch an attack. These birds see dogs as predators and will not hesitate to attack if the bird feels threatened or feels that the dog is threatening its young.

A swan attack can be deadly as the dog can’t defend itself well in the water. These birds will swing at dogs with their wings and flap at the dog while in the water and this can drown the dog.

It’s a myth that all dogs are natural swimmers and when attacked by a swan your dog may end up drowning

What to do if a swan attacks your dog:

If a swan tries to attack your dog then you’d need to intervene, if the animals are on land you can run up to the two and make yourself look threatening to the swan. Do this by lifting your arms wide and above your head and making hissing sounds

If the animals are in water you’d need to be careful as the bird can block you from reaching the shore safely after rescuing your dog if you do manage to rescue your dog.

The best case in this scenario is to keep your dog away from the water completely when swans are around no matter what size they are.

When dogs injure swans:

While it is true that swans can injure dogs the opposite is also true, in fact, dogs injuring swans happen more often than swans injuring dogs.

Dogs are natural predators and while swans have the upper hand in water dogs have the upper hand when it comes to land.

If the dogs are left to their own devices, and aren’t kept on leashes, then the canines may attack the swans or baby swans (cygnets) and injure or even kill them.

Dogs have a natural urge to hunt, their natural instincts cause them to hunt looking for a meal, and because of the thrill of the chase, this instinct is still prevalent in your domesticated dog no matter how friendly you know your pet to be.

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Can Swans Hurt Dogs? (When Swans VS When Dogs Have The Upper Hand)
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