A sudden development of pale skin on your bird is quite concerning to any chicken owner and it is a sign that something is going on with your bird
This article looks into why your chicken has pale skin around its eyes
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Chicken pale around eyes:
A bird that is in tip-top shape has a higher chance of living a good and healthy life.
A change in how your chicken looks, in this case, a paleness around the bird’s eyes, indicates that the bird is not healthy.
Paleness on your bird’s skin, in any part of the bird’s body, usually means that the bird is suffering with anemia. Here is what you need to know about it:
Anemia in chickens:
Anemia in chickens can be caused by external parasites. A number of parasites can infect your chicken including lice, red mites, northern fowl mites, and de-pluming mites.
These parasites will spend some time, day or night, on your chicken’s body, and will suck your bird’s blood.
Anemia develops when there is a shortage of blood in your bird’s body and the lack of blood will cause your bird to develop pale skin. This pale skin may show up around the bird’s eyes.
Other signs of parasitic infections in your bird include reduced egg production, matted feathers (especially around the bird’s vent), weight loss, itchiness where the mites are biting, and the bird will be reluctant to enter its hen house.
What to do:
You would need to check the bird, and its hen house, looking for parasites.
The parasites can usually be found around the bird’s vent area, when on the bird, and in cracks and crevices all over your hen house when off the bird.
Some parasites will stay on the bird’s body all day and others will only move onto the bird’s body at night so check during the day and at night for parasites.
The treatment that you’d need to use will depend on what parasite your bird has.
Lice can be treated with a pyrethrum-based louse powder, this powder should be applied directly to your bird.
Diatomaceous earth can be used to treat your bird if your bird has a red mite problem or if your bird has a northern fowl mite problem.
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