Eggs are an easy meal that many animals in the wild enjoy. This food is full of nutrients and is an easy target. So. do the male turtles eat the eggs of the female turtle? This article looks into it
Do male turtles eat the eggs?
Once a female turtle lays the eggs she doesn’t come back to look after them.
The babies fend for themselves once they hatch and reach the water, and they are vulnerable to a variety of predators while growing, so, are male turtles one of these predators?
Male turtles eat eggs:
The male turtle does sometimes eat the eggs. This isn’t something that they set out to do, it sometimes just happens.
The male and the female turtles do not raise the baby turtles after they hatch and none of the parents protect the eggs while the babies are growing inside the egg.
In addition, since the female lays the eggs and leaves them alone the parents have no instinct to avoid eating the eggs.
So, if the male or female comes across turtle eggs they may just eat them. They are aware that eggs are a food source and are a good source of protein and calcium.
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