Female Budgies Fighting (3 Reasons Why Female Budgies Fight+ What To Do)

Budgies may seem like the sweetest and the most innocent animals to us, but even these animals will fight, and they will fight with each other, the females included. 

This article looks into what you need to know if your female budgies are fighting

Female budgies fighting:

Female budgies are different than other female animals.

Female animals are usually the calmer and more relaxed gender of the two genders. The male animals are usually more territorial and fierce but in budgies, this isn’t the case 

Female budgies are generally more territorial, aloof, feisty, and evasive, this opens the door for a variety of fights to develop between female budgies.

These birds will also become more prone to fighting during the breeding season when their hormones make them more aggressive.

Here are reasons why your female budgies may be fighting:


A fight may break out between budgies if their cages are too small.

These birds need a reasonable amount of space for themselves but if another budgie is introduced then the stronger bird may fight and even try to kill the weaker budgie.

If a fight breaks out because of a lack of space the lack of space can make the situation worse as the smaller weaker bird won’t be able to fly away.


What to do:

You would either need to solve the problem by getting the two birds a larger cage that can accommodate both of them, or, you could separate the two birds and give each their own food and water in their cages as well.

If you keep the two female budgies together make sure that there is at least 10 inches of space between each breeding box 


Budgies love attention, and they love to be social with you and love to play with you.

If you’re keeping two or more female budgies, and one budgie sees you playing with the other, and it wants attention, then the bird will fight the other budgie as it perceives the other budgie to be creeping in on its territory ie: you.

Birds who feel neglected and jealous are very prone to fighting for attention.


What to do:

Budgies need daily attention from you but thankfully they do not need attention 24/7. You can spend time with one budgie and when that bird gets tired you can move on to spending time with the other bird.

Budgies need 1 or 2 hours of time with you, a day, to feel satisfied. Spend this time with each of the birds to keep them both satisfied and happy.


Budgies can tell when another budgie is sick, and your female budgies will not hesitate to fight and even kill a budgie who is sick.

The healthy budgie will realize that the other bird’s sickness can be a threat to its own life so it may try to fight and even kill the sick budgie to spare its own life. 

What to do:

Treating your sick bird will keep it from having to suffer at the hands, or the wings rather, of the other bird.

If you know what your sick bird is suffering from then you can treat the bird yourself at home.

If you don’t know what your sick bird is suffering from then taking the bird to the vet to be diagnosed and treated is the recommended option. 

Added tips:

These birds will only fight if they need to, they may not always fight to the death but they can injure each other during a fight.

If you don’t intervene, and the fight does escalate, then the birds may harm each other causing damage to each other’s throats, face, legs, and wings.

If this happens, isolate the birds and allow them to calm down and not harm each other. You may also need to tend to the bird’s injuries if they are serious. 

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Female Budgies Fighting (3 Reasons Why Female Budgies Fight+ What To Do)
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