Hit My Turtle With A Lawn Mower (What To Do Now)

Accidents usually happen in the blink of an eye, one minute you’re fine and the next minute your turtle is sitting injured after you hit it with a lawn mower, 

This understandably is a traumatic event for the both of you, here is all you need to know if this happened to your pet:

Hit my turtle with a lawn mower:

Hitting or running over your turtle is very easy and happens to the best of us, these reptiles are either little to see or hiding under some vegetation that they shouldn’t be. 

What to do:

If you’re lucky then you likely didn’t kill the tortoise but you likely struck it to the point where it is somewhat injured 

If the animal is alive you can carefully pick it up, wearing gloves, and assess the damage that the lawnmower did 

You can give the turtle a mild sterile saline solution cleanse to get rid of any dirt and debris on its body and to assess the severity of the injury. 

Avoid covering any wounds that the animal has as this may encase any bacteria, germs, or fly eggs that may be in the animal’s wound making the situation worse. 

Also, avoid letting the animal get into the water if it has an open wound, the water more than likely has germs or bacteria which will more often than not infect the turtle at the wound  

Once you’re done cleaning the animal up you can either leave it outside or you can take it to the vet for further examination and treatment 

Your vet will likely give the animal antibiotics as well as pain medication to help with all the healing. 

Unfortunately, if you leave the animal outside, and it is badly injured the animal may die of its injuries or may be predated on by a wild animal. 

Taking the turtle to the vet will likely be an expensive unexpected expense but you can rest assured that the animal will be better off and you can release it back into the wild once it is healed 

After you’ve dealt with your turtle you’d likely need to clean your lawn mower to some extent 

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Hit My Turtle With A Lawn Mower (What To Do Now)
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