How do squirrels trim their nails?

We as humans trim our nails regularly, but how about squirrels? How do squirrels trim their nails?

Squirrels maintain, or “trim” their nails through everyday activity. The materials in the wilderness are quite rough and this keeps their nails at a manageable length and thus trimmed. These activities can include walking on the ground, gripping trees, digging as they forage for food, running on the rough ground and climbing. 

Squirrels need their claws for everyday tasks. They grip using these sharp claws, they leap from tree to tree using these claws, and they use their claws to grip and hold their bodies up when climbing. If a squirrel’s claws aren’t in pristine condition it won’t be able to climb well, a squirrels claws are similar to a grappling hook. They are hard and curved, great to dig into trees and climb.

Their claws can also be used as a defence or attack tool, they definitely make predators back off. They can’t get too long or else the squirrel wouldn’t be able to use them, but how are they maintained? This article looks into how squirrels trim their nails. So if you’re a squirrel owner, a wildlife enthusiast or simply curious this article is for you. 

How do squirrels trim their nails?

Squirrels don’t necessarily ‘trim their nails’ in the wild, they keep their nails at a manageable length thanks to everyday activities. The materials in the wild are pretty rough and this keeps their nails trimmed. These activities can include walking on the ground, gripping trees, digging as they forage for food, running on the rough ground, and climbing. 

All this activity on the abrasive surfaces and floor of the wilderness eventually wear their nails down. In the off chance where none of this wears the nails down the squirrel will nibble at its nails to wear them down if they get too long. 

Also, this is how squirrels maintain their teeth, squirrels and other types of rodents have teeth that are always growing. The food that they eat wear their teeth down. If you have a pet squirrel you more than likely expose them to smooth floors, carpets, grassy lawns and the likes. Because of this, if you as an owner don’t trim their teeth and claws they will become overgrown. 

Do squirrels have toenails?

Yes, squirrels do have toenails, just like the nails on their hands these toenails are sharp, strong and deadly. They use these toenails to grip and this allows them to climb both upwards and downwards when need be. They even use their hind legs to cling to tree trunks if it’s more convenient than using their hands. 

These nails will also be worn down to a manageable length by everyday activities like walking on the ground, gripping into trees, digging as they forage for food, running on the rough ground, and climbing.

What happens if a squirrel scratches you?

If a squirrel scratches you, you can expect to develop a wound sometimes a very deep wound. A squirrel’s claws are incredibly sharp, like needles, and squirrels won’t be gentle when they scratch you.

These animals see humans as threats and thus won’t hesitate to scratch into you if they feel threatened. Their claws are strong and will easily rip into your soft skin and cut into you, sometimes very deeply.

The scratch may not be painful but expect scars on your body if the animal scratches you. If you own a squirrel you’ll definitely want to keep their claws trimmed or else your skin will pretty much always look torn up. Trim their nails every two weeks.


In summary, a squirrel keeps its nails trimmed by doing everyday regular activities like running, jumping, digging when foraging and climbing from tree to tree. If you own a pet squirrel you’ll have to trim their nails yourself.

They do have toenails and just as with the nails on their hands, these nails need to be trimmed by the owner. The toenails would otherwise be maintained by everyday squirrel activities in the wild. If a squirrel scratches you expect some cuts on your skin as these nails are strong and sharp like a needle

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How do squirrels trim their nails?
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