How Do Swans Show Affection To Humans? (5 Signs + How To Get It To Like You + FAQ’s)

Swans are lovely birds, they are beautiful, graceful and are simply interesting to have around, but you may not always know how these birds feel about you

You may also not know how these birds show affection, this article explores how swans show affection.

How do swans show affection to humans?

Many of us know how swans can get when they are angry, these birds when aggressive will make hissing sounds, will flap their wings, and will poke you with their bills, but the signs of swans showing affection are different, this is how these birds do this:

Running towards you:

This usually happens if a swan has been waiting for you all day, you get back home and the bird finally gets to see you.

Once the bird sees you it will run towards you in excitement even flapping its wings up and down on its way to come see you. This is similar to how a dog who has been waiting for you all day will act

The bird will run so fast and flap its wings so hard it may even look as though it is about to fly off

Making loud noises:

We know that swans make a hissing sound when they are angry and feel threatened but if a swan is happy to see you it will make loud honking noises when it sees you.

It will keep making these loud noises for a while when around you.

Walking next to you:

It’s one thing if you go to a swan but if it comes to you and walks alongside you then this is a clear sign that the bird enjoys your company and is not scared but rather very happy to be around you.

The bird will walk with you and have its neck straight up and its head held high while walking with you and will also show the above signs of affection towards you.

Letting you pet it:

It takes a lot for a swan to get used to you, and to accept you, let alone let you touch it. A swan letting you pet it has let its guard down around you and this means a lot.

So, if you get close to the bird and it likes you, then the bird will let you pet it and it will show that it enjoys petting by bobbing its head up and down as you pet it.

Wrapping its neck around yours:

If a swan really trusts you then it will be very relaxed around you and will wrap its neck around you.

While swans are not afraid of humans they will still be very cautious and alert around you, even anxious, these birds, when weary around you, will always be ready to go into attack or defense mode.

But, if a swan relaxes around you and wraps its neck around you then you’ll know that the animal likes you


How to get a swan to like you:

Swans need time and patience to adjust to you and to finally get to know and like you. These birds aren’t scared of humans but they aren’t exactly trusting of us either so you’ll need to allow it to trust you and like you in its own time

You can start off by being in the bird’s space, don’t get too close that the bird starts getting aggressive but get close enough that the bird sees you as not being a threat

You can then start leaving food out for the bird where it can see you, let the bird come get the food on its own. After this, the bird may start to feel comfortable enough to eat food from your hand and allow you to pet it.

Do this for a while and the bird will feel more comfortable around you and will start to like you.

Can swans get attached to humans?

Swans can get excited about humans to a degree, they recognize who feeds them on a regular basis and they recognize who treats them well.

If you’re one of these people then a swan may make trumpet-like sounds when they see you and when they see other people they know. This is their version of welcoming you in.

How do you get a swan to trust you?

The way to get a swan to trust you is the same way you get many other animals to trust you, you offer them their favorite treat.

Treats that are widely loved by swans include grapes, cracker squares, sugarless cereals that float, or any soft carb that may be nearby.

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How Do Swans Show Affection To Humans? (5 Signs + How To Get It To Like You + FAQ’s)
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