How long does it take for a bird stuck in a chimney to die?

If a bird gets stuck in your chimney the bird may have found its way in there in search of food. The bird getting stuck in your chimney is what can happen if things don’t go as planned. This happens often as the likelihood of birds becoming trapped in chimneys is surprisingly high. Knowing this, you may be wondering ‘how long does it take for a bird stuck in a chimney to die’ this article explores it 

Birds, need food and water to survive, if the bird does not get this food or water while stuck in the chimney it can die in about 2 to 7 days. The struggle to get out of the chimney will contribute to the bird’s death as well.

How long does it take for a bird stuck in a chimney to die?

As long as there is no fire or hot air going up the chimney, a bird will be able to survive in a chimney for about 2 to 7 days.

Birds need water and food just as any other animal does but because of this animal’s high metabolic rate, it needs water every few hours. If the bird does not get the water it needs, it will become weakened by dehydration, this can kill the bird.

The bird may also lose its life if it becomes too tired from its escape efforts. The bird will start to become weak as it tries to escape the chimney, its escape efforts expend lots of energy that would otherwise be used to keep the animal alive.

If it overexerts itself, the escape efforts can make it exhausted and cause death. 

Sometimes, the bird is fortunate enough to survive for longer. This may be due to a combination of factors like fresh air going through the chimney, a human feeding it both dry and succulent foods or bugs and geckos in the chimney that the bird could eat.

What do I do if a bird is stuck in my chimney?

If you choose to remove the bird yourself here are the steps to take:

Remove burnt left-overs from the lower part of the chimney. Remove the lower chimney coverings. Cover all sources of light in the room except one. Gently tap the walls of the chimney to encourage the bird to come out. 

It is best to get professional help to remove a bird stuck in a chimney. A frightened bird is likely to do damage to itself and you if you decide to remove it yourself.

A bird specialist will have protective clothing that allows them to handle the bird without getting scratched or exposed to any diseases or pests.

These professionals will remove and free the bird if it isn’t hurt, if the bird is hurt, they will take it to an animal rescue centre for treatment. 

How long does it take for a dead bird to smell?

You are unlikely to smell smaller dead birds because their body fluids dry up so quickly.

A larger bird will emit a foul odour detectable from the third day. If birds frequently enter your chimney, keep inspecting the chimney for dead birds.

A dead bird’s smell may remain long after the carcass has been removed and the odour may leak into other areas of the room. 

Why do birds fly into chimneys? 

Chimneys attract birds because chimneys are warmer than the cold temperatures outside. The shape of a chimney also makes it an ideal place to nest.

Birds can easily defend against rival birds and predators when nesting in chimneys. Birds have also observed that spaces closer to human habitation tend to keep predators away.

Additionally, chimneys attract insects and other animals which are a natural part of a bird’s diet. Because of this, birds will frequently visit the chimney until all the food runs out. 


In conclusion, it may take the bird 2 to 7 days to die while stuck in your chimney.

During this time, the bird will become weak from the lack of food and water, the bird’s frantic attempts to get out of the chimney will also cause the bird to become weaker.

If the bird tries to get out and becomes weak as a result, it can die sooner from exhaustion.

If you can, you’ll need to get professional help to get the bird out of the chimney. You likely won’t detect that a small bird has died in your chimney because of its lack of body fluids, if the bird is large, expect it to smell after the third day

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How long does it take for a bird stuck in a chimney to die?
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