How To Clean A Baby Budgies Feet (A Quick Guide)

Birds are known to be very good at keeping themselves clean and maintaining their looks.

However, if your bird isn’t cleaning itself as it should, then you may need to step in and help.

This article is a quick look at how to clean your budgie’s feet.

How to clean a baby budgies’ feet:

Cleanliness will not only keep your baby budgie looking good, it will also help in maintaining the bird’s health.

If your baby budgie can’t clean its feet then here are steps to help you clean your baby budgie’s feet:

What to do:

Removing dirt, or poop, from your bird’s feet is easy and simple.

There are a few things that you’ll need on hand when you do this, namely: some warm water, a container to put your bird in, and a soft cloth

Start off by pouring some water into a container that your bird can fit into.

Bring this container into a warm room so the experience is comfortable for the bird.

Once this bowl is ready, dip your bird into the bowl and let the water soften the dirt or poop.

Some of the poop, or dirt, will fall off on its own, but, if this doesn’t happen then use your soft cloth to gently rub the dirt or poop off.

You can also use tweezers, your fingertips, or even pliers to remove the poop from the bird’s feet.

Pliers are usually needed if the poop has set and become hard like concrete.

Be very careful when you do this, baby budgies are very fragile and are easily injured.

Once the bird’s feet are clean, you can go ahead and dry the bird off using a very soft, warm, and clean towel, or, cotton wool balls.

It isn’t advised that you hair dry your baby budgie as it can overheat.

Once the bird’s feet are dry you can apply some aloe vera onto the bird’s feet to soothe them and hydrate them.


Keep an eye on your bird’s feet to make sure that they are always clean.

Removing the gunk in good time won’t give the dirt much time to harden up.

Remove any buildup if you notice that the bird isn’t removing the buildup on its own.

What not to do:

Rub the bird’s dirt off:

Another way of removing the dirt, or poop, off of your baby bird is rubbing it off.

However, this may harm the bird as you can easily rub too hard and damage the bird’s skin.

Let the bird be:

While dirt and poop left on your bird may not be harmful, if left on the bird’s feet for too long then the bird may develop an irritation and rash on its skin.

This irritation, or rash, can develop when the bird’s poop has prolonged contact with the bird’s skin.

You’d want to quickly remove the poop from your baby bird’s skin to keep this from happening.

If you leave the poop on the bird’s feet for too long, it may dry too hard and turn into what looks, and feels, like concrete.

If this happens then use pliers to remove most of the poop and then soak the bird’s feet to remove the rest.

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How To Clean A Baby Budgies Feet (A Quick Guide)
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