How To Clean A Baby Cockatiel (A Quick Guide)

A clean bird is much better than a dirty bird, even birds know this, they will preen themselves making sure that their feathers are aligned and shiny.

If you want to make sure that your baby cockatiel has clean and shiny feathers then read on, this article explores how to clean a baby cockatiel.

How to clean a baby cockatiel:

Pets need to stay clean, this will not only make them look better but it will also help in ensuring the bird maintains good health.

This is what you need to know about cleaning cockatiels:

Cleaning baby cockatiels:

Baby cockatiels usually start growing feathers at around two weeks of age.

The birds themselves may grow pretty quickly but because their wings don’t grow in until two weeks of age they can’t keep themselves warm.

This is why it is recommended that you keep the birds away from baths and water bodies.

How to clean them:

If the birds do get dirty then you can use a damp cloth to wipe off any dirt, debris, or food if the birds spill on itself, off of the bird’s body.

If the dirt is really dry and stuck on the bird’s body then you can soak a cotton ball with warm water and soak the dirt until it is soft. Remove the dirt once soft enough.

Don’t let the bird remain damp after cleaning them, use a dry cloth or paper towel to dry the bird off after cleaning them to keep it from getting too cold.

Baby birds of all types are very sensitive to the cold and if left to be cold for too long then the baby bird can die.

Adult birds know how to clean themselves, they learn this from their parents when young and will self-clean in their adult years.

If you’re raising the babies with no adult then you can start to let them around shallow water bodies once their feathers start to grow in.

They will be curious and will start playing with the water, you can encourage this behavior by giving them treats after they’re done.

The birds will bathe themselves weekly, or twice a week, or daily if it’s hot out.

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How To Clean A Baby Cockatiel (A Quick Guide)
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