How To Clean Baby Cockatiel Feathers (A Quick Guide)

Keeping a clean baby bird will not only keep the bird looking beautiful, but a clean bird also will not attract insects.

If your baby cockatiel has a set of dirty tail feathers, and you’re wondering how to clean them up, then this article is for you

How to clean baby cockatiel feathers:

Baby cockatiels can easily get themselves dirty, these birds are quite curious about their surroundings and will explore, and sometimes this exploration can lead to the bird’s tail feathers becoming dirty

Cleaning younger birds who only have down feathers can be tricky as these birds can’t stay cold or wet for too long.

If your bird is old enough to have developed regular feathers then you don’t have to worry about the bird getting too cold and not being able to regulate its body temperature.

You can clean your bird’s feathers by using a damp rag to wipe off any dirt or debris from the feathers.

If the dirt has dried onto your bird’s feathers, and using a damp cloth on the feathers is not working, then you can soak a cotton ball in some warm water and soak the dirt in it to soften it up.

You can remove the dirt once it softens up.

You can alternatively let the bird have a bath and have the dirt come off of the bird during the bath or rub the dirt off while the bird is having the bath.

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How To Clean Baby Cockatiel Feathers (A Quick Guide)
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