Animals have had to learn to communicate in a variety of different ways. Each species of animals have their own language but that doesn’t mean that we humans can’t communicate with them.
This article explores how we as humans can communicate with ducks.
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How to communicate with ducks:
Ducks can communicate with each other in various ways, they don’t only quack, and we humans can communicate with them in a variety of ways too.
Here are ways that you can communicate with ducks:
How to let your bird know you’re friendly:
If you’re trying to let a new bird, or a bird that you aren’t all that familiar with, that you’re friendly then you’ll have to do this with your actions namely by giving it space and treats.
Start off by not petting it or giving it any physical contact but rather giving it treats on occasion and letting it get used to being in your space.
This lets the bird know that you aren’t a threat and it can start to warm up to you.
How to call your duck:
If you want to get your duck to come to you then you can use a duck caller to draw the bird to you. While these items are not free using these is easier than using the hand-calling technique of calling ducks.
The duck calls can be found online or you can choose to learn the hand calling technique for when you forget your duck call.
Any of these techniques will get the bird’s attention and will eventually get the bird to approach you.
How to communicate approval:
The best way to communicate that you’re happy with what a bird is doing and that you want the bird to continue is through positive reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement needs to be done as soon as the bird does something good. Reward the bird by giving it healthy treats like peas and corn, this will encourage the bird to continue its behavior.
How to communicate disapproval:
If you want to communicate that you don’t like something that your bird is doing then you can communicate this through actions.
If your duck is doing something that you don’t like, then the key is to stop giving the bird attention when it does something.
Walk away from the duck when it does something you don’t like.
How to communicate dominance:
Ducks interact with other members of their flock (including you) via a social hierarchy called the pecking order.
The more dominant ducks of the pecking order will be the most dominant and the most respected, the weaker less dominant ducks will be less respected.
If your duck is trying to attack you then it likely doesn’t respect you and sees you as beneath it on the pecking order.
You can communicate that you are stronger and more dominant by pinning the duck down, this mimics how a more dominant duck in a flock will show dominance over a less dominant duck in a flock.
The more dominant duck may also peck at the less dominant duck, you can do this as well to show dominance.
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