A lot of people enjoy raising birds, and ducks are one of the most loved birds to keep as pets, but, domestic ducks can take some time to trust you, so wild ducks will be even more reluctant to trust you.
This article looks into how you can get a wild duck to trust you.
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How to get a wild duck to trust you:
Ducks raised in domestic environments are generally friendly to humans because they are used to us, this isn’t the case for wild ducks.
Wild ducks live their life with minimal human contact so getting the bird to trust you may be hard, but it isn’t impossible, here is what to do to make that happen:
What to do:
Getting a wild duck to trust you can be very easy if you know what to do and are patient with the bird. Here is what to do and what not to do if you want a wild duck to trust you:
Leave food out:
All animals love food, one of the reasons why nature parks don’t want you to feed the animals is that they don’t want the animals to be too used to humans, which could lead to them approaching humans.
Knowing this, if you’re wanting to attract wild ducks, then you may want to start feeding the ducks to get them used to you.
You can leave some food out for your ducks to show them that you aren’t a threat to them, but rather that you are a source of something they love: food.
Try to leave the food out when ducks can see you so they know to associate the food with you. You can leave some bird seed, oats, wheat, cut-up vegetables, or cracked corn out for the birds.
Speak to them:
If you interact with the duck and show it that you aren’t a threat to it, then it will trust you more and be more comfortable with you, you can do this by speaking quietly with the bird.
Ducks register your voice when you are around them. If you speak to ducks, but your tone is calm and sweet rather than loud or aggressive, then the duck will feel more comfortable around you.
What not to do:
Getting ducks to like you can be a delicate process and some things that may seem ok to you may scare the birds off, here is what to avoid when trying to get a duck to like you.
Avoid getting too close:
If you’re wanting a duck to feel comfortable being around you, then you’d need to let the bird come to you, do not try to get close to the duck especially not prematurely.
Because humans are large and strange-looking creatures to ducks, and because ducks know that they are quite low on the food chain, the bird will be scared off if you get close before it tries to get close.
If you do get close to the ducks you can crawl close to the birds, doing this will make you look smaller than you are and thus slightly less intimidating.
Avoid feeding ducks bread:
While it’s true that ducks will eat almost anything you give them you should avoid giving the birds bread.
Bread is not a nutritionally dense food for ducks and will fill them up once they eat it. The birds will not want to eat anything after filling up on bread.
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