How To Get Rid Of Duck Poop Smell (5 Easy Ways)

If you know anything about ducks and their poop then you’ll know that these birds poop, a whole lot, and their poop can smell quite bad. These birds may be cute and cuddly but poop is poop and most would rather get rid of the smell

This article explores how to get rid of the smell of duck poop

How to get rid of duck poop smell:

Ducks can poop quite a lot, these birds are known to poop every 15 – 20 minutes, that’s a lot of poop and it can create an environment that smells really bad. This is what to do to get rid of the smell of duck poop in your environment:

Off of carpets:

The smell that comes from duck poop is caused by the bacteria in the poop. If the poop gets onto your carpets then you can use Natures Miracle from your local pet store, this product is able to remove the smell of duck poop as it cleans on a molecular level

The product uses enzymes to digest the bacteria in the poop and leaves your carpets smelling normal again.

Follow the instructions on the bottle and the smell should be gone in no time. You can also make your own cleaning mixture using white vinegar, dishwashing detergent, and warm water.

Clean the carpet using this and the smell should go along with it.

Outside on the ground:

Wet things will smell stronger than dry items will. The consistency of duck poop is wet, this is what makes it even more pungent

If your birds go around pooping on the ground you can apply some gravel or sand all over your outside floors and allow this sand or gravel to dry out the duck poop and reduce the smell.

Give the birds more space:

The poop that your ducks create may be strong and pungent because it is concentrated in one area. As more poop is applied in one space it becomes stronger and worse on the nose.

You can decrease the strength of the poop smell by giving the birds more space where they can roam around and thus spread their poop making the smell less strong

Keeping the ducks all in one coop at all times may be easier but it won’t be easy on your nose.

In the coop:

Ducks are not above pooping in their homes in their duck house, and they will poop in the duck houses no matter what you try to do.

You can, however, help with the smell in the duck houses by makings sure that there is good ventilation in the coop during the day, just make sure that you close the duck houses at night to keep predators out.

Create compost:

Creating compost in your duck houses is another great way to keep the area from smelling too bad. Duck poop makes great manure for your plants, plus, it’s free.

Laying straw on the bottom of your duck houses every morning is the start of creating compost

The birds will poop on the straw and the straw will absorb the moisture keeping smells at a minimum. Do this every day and then collect all this material to use as manure once the pile gets to about 6-8 inches deep.

After moving the old heap away you can start a new heap. You can also use other materials like sugar cane mulch, chopped straw, woodchips, wood shavings, and leaves in the coop as the long fibers of the straw can be a bit of a pain to turn.

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How To Get Rid Of Duck Poop Smell (5 Easy Ways)
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