How to get rid of pigeon lice

If you’ve ever taken care of cats, dogs or even children for that matter then you know to look out for lice. These tiny little creatures live in the hair of animals and people and can cause harm. If you’ve ever tried to get rid of these creatures then you would know that regular shampoos won’t do the trick to get rid of them. So, if you own a pigeon and your feathery friend is also struggling with lice then this article will help get rid of them and answer the question “how to get rid of pigeon lice”.

Pigeon lice can be treated quite easily, provided you find the right treatment and use it according to the packages instructions. If you are looking for an internal treatment for this problem then feed your bird Ivermectin, if you are looking for an external treatment, then bathe the bird in Pyrethrin. Avoid giving your bird topical ointments to treat lice. 

How to get rid of pigeon lice

Thankfully there are a number of remedies for your pigeon’s lice problem. There are external treatments that you can apply to your pigeon to get rid of the lice and there are internal treatments that will help get rid of your pigeon’s lice problem. These include: 

Pyrethrin: If you would prefer something more natural to give to your bird to get rid of lice then this is a good option. It is a natural insecticide that you can bathe your bird in or spray it with. Mix this product with water to create a treatment solution.

Ivermectin: This is an internal solution for your bird’s lice problem. This product can be mixed in with your birds drinking water to treat your pigeon’s lice problem from the inside out. It also can kill other parasites that your bird may be carrying 

If you are dealing with a large number of birds the first step you need to take if finding the source of the lice problem and getting rid of it. Treating the birds before finding the source will only make the lice reinfect your pigeons. If necessary you may need to bring in pest professionals to deal with the issue 

While dealing with the lice on your bird, you’ll also need to clean and disinfect their birdcage to ensure that the bird does not get reinfected by any lice hiding in the cage. Clean out all the nooks and crannies and also remember to disinfect and scrub the cage from top to bottom

Tip: Avoid using over the counter alternatives as a cure for your bird’s lice issue as these can negatively affect or be fatal to your bird. Also avoid ointments to treat the lice problem as these can throw off your bird’s natural temperature system.

Note: Before starting your pigeon on any treatment is is advised that you consult your vet to get a professionals opinion on the medications and your birds condition 

How do you know your bird has pigeon lice

If you’re worried that your pigeon has developed lice then there are a few telltale signs that will give it away: Your bird will have feathers that are ragged and your bird will constantly be itchy. You may also notice that your bird is suddenly being restless, it scratches itself excessively, it’s feathers are always ruffled and it is constantly preening itself. 

The best way to figure out if your pet pigeon has lice is to take it to the vet to be checked out. The vet will do a physical exam to check for the presence of lice. The vet may even use a magnifying device to get a closer look at your bird, they may even use an otoscope for this exam. 


In conclusion, bird lice can be treated by feeding your bird Ivermectin or bathing your bird in a solution of Pyrethrin and water. Remember to also clean out your bird’s cage to get rid of lice in their space, also be sure to disinfectant it’s area. If you notice your bird being itchy, being relentless, constantly scratching and preening itself or if it has raggedy feathers then it may be time to take it to the vet as it may have lice.

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How to get rid of pigeon lice
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