Watching your chicken choke can be very terrifying, the uncomfortable neck stretching, the coughing, the wing flapping, the opening of the mouth.
This is a quick article that will help you help your choking chicken.
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How to help a choking chicken:
If your bird is choking, keeping your cool while taking action is a must, here is how to help your bird:
Let the bird be:
Birds have evolved to be able to survive in the wild and resolve choking on their own.
If your bird is choking let the chicken be and allow it to cough up the obstruction on its own.
However, if the bird is taking too long to do this, then you may need to intervene.
Look inside:
If you want to intervene then the first thing that you’d need to do is look inside your bird’s mouth to see what is blocking its airway.
Gently open the bird’s mouth and have a look for what the obstruction is and how deep it is
Grab it:
In some cases, you can simply grab the object and pull it out of the bird’s mouth.
You can reach in and grab the object using your fingers, or, you can use a pair of tweezers to grab the object.
If you’re going into the bird’s mouth, try not to scrape or injure the bird’s throat or the inside of the bird’s mouth.
These areas are sensitive and injuring them will cause distress in the bird.
Heimlich maneuver:
If the first two solutions don’t work then try performing the Heimlich maneuver on your bird.
Do this by grasping the chicken at its waist and pushing up and inward towards the bird’s head in several quick thrusts.
Turn the bird upside down:
If the above solutions don’t work then try to let gravity get the blockage out.
To do this, turn the bird upside down gently and allow the blockage to slide out.
You may also want to grab ahold of the bird’s legs and swing the bird between your legs.
This may help as gravity and centrifugal force may help the object come out
Visit the vet:
If the above methods don’t work to dislodge the item, then you may have to resort to taking the bird to the vet.
Taking your bird to the vet, or better yet, to an avian vet, may be your last chance at saving the bird.
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