Ducks aren’t exactly quiet animals, these birds will quack and these quacks can be heard from pretty far away.
The birds don’t only quack during the day, some ducks will quack at night disturbing your sleep, if you’re worried about your birds, or simply want the birds to stop quacking, then read on, this article explores how to keep ducks quiet at night
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How to keep ducks quiet at night:
A loud duck can be a distraction, a loud duck in the middle of the night can cost you a lot of hours of sleep.
In order to know how to stop a duck from quacking at night you would need to know why the bird is quacking and rectify this. Here are the reasons and solutions for this:
Ducks quack to communicate with each other, if your bird suddenly starts to quack then the bird is likely notifying the other birds in the duck house that there is a dangerous predator close by and that they should keep an eye out.
Ducks have not evolved to know that they are safe in their duck houses, thus, some birds instinctively stay up late to keep an eye out for predators and may make a noise.
The birds may not come into contact with a predator, the bird may simply become startled and start to quack and make a noise. Better safe than sorry for the birds
What to do:
If your ducks are making a noise and doing this consistently, then the birds are likely frightened by something
Duck predators aren’t always wild animals like coyotes, raccoons, and bobcats, the ducks may also be scared of your domestic animals like your cats and dogs if there are any on the property or close by.
You’d need to ensure that the birds feel safe from predators, do this by making sure that the birds are safely in their pen at night and that other animals cannot get into the duck house at night.
Make sure that your domestic animals are kept away from the birds at night and during the day too for that matter.
Ducks can only tell that it’s morning or night using light, light usually comes from the light of the sun and this is what wakes the birds up in the morning.
If you’re raising ducklings, and are brooding using a heat source that comes with a light source then this may be disrupting the bird’s sleep making them think that it’s morning time.
What to do:
You may need to change the heat source that you’re using in your bird’s brooders, ducklings don’t need a light source during the evenings, this will only disorientate them.
Rather switch out the heat source in your bird’s brooder for a heat source that does not come with a light source.
Switch this light source and see if the birds keep quacking in the middle of the night.
One loud duck:
Sometimes one of your ducks will simply quack at night and this will encourage the other ducks to loudly quack at night as well.
It may be difficult to figure out why a certain duck is noisy and it may even seem as though the bird is simply being noisy for no reason
What to do:
If you can’t pinpoint why a certain duck has decided to suddenly become noisy and quack in the middle of the night then you may want to consider taking the bird to the vet to be examined and tested.
If the reason why the bird is quacking loudly can’t be identified or if taking the bird to the vet isn’t possible, then you may have to get rid of the bird if you want to get some shut-eye.
The rest of the birds will have no one to follow and make noise with if you decide to get rid of the bird.
If you don’t want to get rid of this bird then you may simply have to get the bird as far away as possible from the other birds.
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