As much as we prefer to keep our budgies in their cages for the safety of the birds these birds will need to be let out of their cages from time to time so that they can fly and cuddle with us.
If your budgie doesn’t want to come out of its cage then this article will be of help to you
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My budgie won’t come out of his cage anymore:
Budgies can become quite used to their cages and become comfortable with their little homes.
But, sometimes the birds can be too comfortable and will sometimes stay in there even when we don’t want them to, here is why they do this and what to do:
The bird is traumatized:
If the bird was used to being around you and you traumatized it in some way, like forcing it to come out of the cage, or scaring it, then the bird may stop trusting you and may want to stay in the cage.
The bird knows that their cage is a safe place and is a sanctuary and will stay put in it if the bird loses faith in you as an owner.
What to do:
You’d need to get the bird to trust you again if you want it to be comfortable coming out of its cage again.
Start off by leaving the bird alone in its cage and simply hanging around showing the bird that you aren’t there to harm it.
After this, sweetly and gently talk to the bird and offer it treats. Once the bird is used to you again, and likes you, then it will come out of the cage.
The bird feels threatened:
Birds usually feel threatened by you and uncomfortable with you during the early days of living with you, but, it will start to get used to you as time goes on and come out of their cage which is their comfort zone.
However, if the bird suddenly becomes afraid to come out of the cage again then there is likely something new in the environment that the bird is scared of.
Budgies are small animals, they are easy prey to a variety of things and they are low on the food chain.
The birds know this and the birds will be fearful and will stay in a safe place, in their cage, if a threat comes along.
What to do:
Take note to see if there is anything threatening that may have recently entered the picture. Things that we see as minor may be a major threat to birds, this includes new people coming in, or, pets like cats or dogs.
Remove the threats and see if the bird calms down. You may have to coax the bird to come out by talking sweetly to it to calm it down, do this similarly to how you would talk to a baby.
Give the bird time to come out of its cage, don’t grab him, and let him come out on his own time.
If your bird is too comfortable in the cage then it may not even want to get out of the cage.
This can happen if the bird is given everything it wants while being in the cage including food, treats, friends, and toys that stimulate them.
What to do:
Budgies tend to want to come out of their cages when they want to fly and socialize with you, but if the birds don’t want to do this then you will have to coax the birds to want to come out of the cage.
Do this by leaving the cage door open and leaving their food and treats outside of the cage, also move the other birds out of the cage.
Doing this will force the birds to want to come out of the cage to eat and socialize.
Your birds will eventually come out as they can’t resist. Praise the bird as it comes out of the cage while the bird is outside of the cage.
Once the bird does come out of the cage, cover it up so the bird doesn’t focus on it anymore.
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