My Turtle Is Getting Too Big (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Turtles can increase in size a whole lot over the years, they may start off as small little things but with good nutrition, they can become very big 

This article looks into what you need to know if your turtle is getting too big 

My turtle is getting too big:

The largest of turtles can be bigger than the average person, this likely won’t happen to your turtle but you may still worry about the size of your turtle

Here is what you need to know if your turtle seems to be getting too big:

The animal is growing:

Some turtles are quite large as adults but are quite tiny as baby turtles and juveniles. Your turtle may seem like it getting too big simply because it is growing.

What will also cause rapid growth in your young baby turtles is a good diet and eating a whole lot of food.

These animals will naturally eat a lot as they grow and this will cause them to go through a growth spurt. 

What to do:

These animals grow quite fast so don’t be surprised when you see rapid growth in your pet. 

Regular health check-ups may be a good idea to make sure that the animal is growing as it should and that there isn’t anything wrong with the animal 


If your pet turtle is getting too big then you may be overfeeding your pet and it may be overweight because of this.

Feeding your pet a diet that is rich in nutrients and minerals is important but giving them too much food will result in weight gain, in addition, the animal may be gaining weight because it is being fed a little too many treats.

As the animal grows larger it will not only start to bulge out of its shell but it will also start to develop some health complications.

Health complications that a turtle that is too big may experience include not being able to walk, run, or swim because of its weight. The excess fat on the animal’s body can also stress the animal’s internal organs 

What to do:

If you don’t know how to feed your pet then you’d need to find guidance online, or at your vet, to guide you.

What is generally recommended is that you feed your pet a diet of turtle pellets, vegetables some fruits, and other treats on occasion 

The food that you give at each serving should only be enough to fit into the animal’s head without the neck.

You can also choose to consult your vet about this. Not only will the vet guide you in the right direction when it comes to the animal’s diet but they will also give tips on habitat management and explain the health implications of your turtle being overweight 


Another reason why your turtle may be so big may be because of the species of turtle that you’re keeping. You may have bought the turtle without knowing how big this particular species of turtle would get

What to do 

If your turtle is growing at a rate that is normal for its species then you don’t have to worry this is normal for the turtle, the animal should continue to grow but don’t worry, it will stop growing eventually 

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My Turtle Is Getting Too Big (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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