Paralysis in chickens can develop because of a number of things. This article is a look into paralysis in chickens caused by argas.
Paralysis in chickens caused by argas:
Argas persicus is a type of tick, another name for this tick is the poultry tick or the fowl tick. This tick not only affects chickens but geese and ducks too.
These ticks carry a bacteria, the spirochete bacteria Borrelia anserina, this bacteria causes avian spirochetosis in birds. This disease is transferred through the tick’s saliva.
Poultry ticks can usually be found hiding in the crevices and cracks of your bird’s nest, in the crevices and cracks of buildings, as well as on your bird itself.
If infected with this disease, your bird can develop partial paralysis, where the bird loses the use of one of its legs, or full paralysis, where the bird loses the ability to move both of its legs.
In addition to the bird developing full or partial paralysis, if a bird becomes infected with this disease, then the bird will lose coordination overall and, it will become paralyzed in both the forelimbs and the hindlimbs, this is called flaccid paralysis.
The bird will also develop other symptoms such as respiratory distress, respiratory failure, anemia, toxemia, depression, weight loss, and sudden death.
You’ll know that the death of your bird is coming because the bird will simply lie down and stretch its body out, it has given up at this point.
Paralysis in chickens treatment:
If your bird becomes partially or fully paralyzed because of this parasite then you’d need to offer the bird supportive treatment.
The bird will eventually get used to being paralyzed but it will need to be kept separate and it will need its own feeder and waterer or else it will get picked on by the other birds for being weaker.
You’d also need to treat the tick issue by getting rid of the tick larvae. Do this by using malathion spray on the bird to kill the ticks. This spray will also help the bird recover.
Also, make sure that your chicken houses are cleaned very well, and make sure to get rid of the parasites that may be living in the crevices and cracks of your birdhouse.
To avoid the movement of parasites through cracks and crevices make sure to fill in all cracks and crevices.
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