Pipped Egg Rolled Over (A Quick Guide)

Egg incubating may seem simple, and it is, but there are a lot of things that can go wrong during this process.

If an egg in your care pipped, and then rolled over, you may think that there is something wrong. This article looks into what you need to know if this happens.

Pipped egg rolled over:

Egg hatching can be a wonderful experience, that is, if all goes well. If something seems amiss then you may start to worry.

Here is what you need to know if your pipped egg rolled over:

What you need to know:

When an egg pips this means that the chick inside broke through the eggshell and is about to hatch out of the egg.

After pipping, the chick will “zip” meaning it will pip all around the egg.

The broken, zipped, part of the egg is where the chick will come out of.

While the bird may pip on one side, this doesn’t mean that the bird will end up coming out on that side.

If the bird pipped on one side, and rolled over onto the pip, the bird can still zip from the rolled-over side, it can pip and unzip from a different place on the egg, or, the egg can roll over again and the bird can continue to zip from where it first pipped.

What to do:

You don’t have to worry if this happens to your bird.

The egg-hatching process doesn’t always go as planned or as usual and this scenario isn’t something to worry about.

As long as the bird continues to zip over time the chick will hatch.

If the egg rolls over, and the bird can’t hatch, then the reason for this is not that the egg rolled over. It is that the bird was too weak to hatch in the first place.

If the egg did not roll over onto the pipped site, and the egg simply rolled over, then you don’t have to worry, this simply means that the bird in the egg is still active.

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Pipped Egg Rolled Over (A Quick Guide)
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