Quail Chick Not Growing (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Quails are known to be very cute and adorable little birds to begin with, but, this doesn’t mean that quail chicks are meant to stay small all their life.

If your quail chick is not growing then this article will help you figure out why.

Quail chick not growing:

Quail chicks will come out very tiny, they are much smaller than baby chicks, who are very small in themselves, but, quail chicks should grow a bit as they age.

If your quail chick is not growing you’d understandably be worried. Here is why your quail chick is not growing:

Late bloomer:

Some of your birds may be taking a while to grow simply because they are late bloomers.

These late-bloomer birds may be eating just the same as their counterparts but may only start to grow later on.

What to do:

If you’re feeding this bird the correct foods then it should start to grow eventually.

If you’re worried you can give it poultry vitamins incase it needs more nutrients than the other birds, you can also provide more nutrition by giving the bird mashed-up hard-boiled eggs.

You don’t have to worry if this bird is still as energetic as the other birds


Your bird may not be growing because it isn’t being given access to food by the other birds. Animals have an instinct to become aggressive if resources are scarce.

If your birds aren’t given enough food to share then some birds will bully other birds away from food and this may keep the bullied birds from growing as they are deprived of nutrients.

What to do:

This can be rectified by simply supplying enough food for the birds, if you’re already giving the chicks enough food you may have to give them more than they need so every bird can eat.

Not eating:

Your bird may not be growing because it isn’t eating. Birds who are given foods that they don’t like would rather starve than eat, and this may be what is happening with your baby quail chick.

What to do:

If your bird is being given enough food, and the bird isn’t touching it, then consider giving your bird a different type of feed. Your bird may simply not enjoy the feed being given.

You may also want to consider giving your bird treats like cut-up apples, peaches, berries, popcorn, lettuce, and sweetcorn.

All these foods will be a source of energy for your bird while you are trying to figure out what to feed your bird.

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Quail Chick Not Growing (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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