Turtle With White Spots On Head (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Your turtle’s appearance says a lot about the health of the animal so if you notice that your pet has suddenly changed color you’d understandably be worried.

This article looks into why your turtle has white spots on its head.

Turtle with white spots on head:

A turtle’s skin is usually quite uniform and isn’t known to change all that much.

If the skin on your pet’s head changes, if your pet starts to develop white spots on its head then you’d understandably be worried.

Here is why this may be happening with your pet:


All turtles shed their skin at some point and the white circles on your pet’s head may just be the start of the shedding.

When a turtle sheds its skin comes off as paper-thin pieces or strips and this looks like a cotton or string-like material.

The skin may start off producing white patches or spots before the shedding and this may be what you’re seeing.

The shedding can also show up on your pet’s neck or legs

What to do:

This is normal behavior and turtles have been doing this since the beginning of time.

You may want to help your pet by removing some of its shedding skin but this is not recommended, the skin will fall off in its own time

In fact, you can be quite happy that your pet is shedding because your pet’s new skin will be clean and brilliant once the shedding is done.

Mineral deposits:

Hard water is the recommended choice of water for both fish and turtles.

Unfortunately, this water has a habit of leaving mineral deposits in your pet’s environment or on your turtle itself.

Hard water has high levels of calcium carbonate and magnesium.

This calcium carbonate and magnesium may attach to the glass in your pet’s aquarium or on the turtle itself.

These materials will create large white patches on your pet

What to do:

This is common and happens to a variety of turtles.

Changing your pet’s water is recommended as the residue can cause your pet’s skin to start to deteriorate.

You would also need to start to worry if your pet starts showing signs of being ill along with the appearance of white spots on its head.

Fungal infection:

If there are white or grey fuzzy bits on your pet’s head then this may mean that your pet is suffering a fungal infection.

In addition to these white patches, a turtle with a fungal infection may also develop redness, swelling, peeling, blistering, and your pet’s skin may develop a cheeselike substance on top.

The cause of this condition is usually an inadequate basking area or poor water quality.

What to do:

The best route of action to take, if your turtle’s head is shedding, is to take your pet to the vet.

Taking your pet to a reptile specialist is the better option but if you only have access to a general vet then this will do.

If this fungal infection is not addressed then it will grow worse over time and your pet can die because of it.

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Turtle With White Spots On Head (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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