Vinegar And Ducks (3 Ways To Use Vinegar + FAQ’s)

There are a variety of pantry items that can be used to deter ducks and there are also many pantry products that can be used that are beneficial to ducks. Using what is already in your home, and what you already eat, can be safe and effective for ducks.

If you’re wondering what you can do with vinegar with regards to your ducks then read on.

Vinegar and ducks:

There are many articles that explore people’s experiences with giving vinegar to ducks. Here are ways to use this product for your birds:

For the bird’s health:

Apple cider vinegar can be given to ducks as a drink, this drink is good for their internal health. This vinegar will not only help to kill any bacteria in the bird, it will also help with vitamin and mineral absorption in the bird.

Serve this to your bird by diluting some apple cider vinegar into a gallon of water and letting your bird drink it

Note: If you do decide to give apple cider vinegar to your ducks you’ll need to make sure that the bird doesn’t try to wash its eyes with it, if the bird washes its eyes with the apple cider vinegar then the bird can accidentally damage its eyes.

To attract ducks:

Apple cider vinegar has a slightly sweet smell, ducks will be attracted to it because the birds will think that the sweet smell means that there is a food source in the area

If you’re wanting to attract ducks to your property then you can spray the vinegar around your property to get the birds to visit.

If you choose to do this, only apply the vinegar on hard surfaces, do not apply the product to your grass or plants. Spraying full-strength vinegar on plants will kill the foliage.

As a repellent:

Apple cider vinegar may attract ducks because of its sweet smell but white vinegar and distilled vinegar will actually repel the birds.

Ducks can smell, they may not be able to smell as well as dogs and some other birds can but they can indeed smell.

These birds can smell and they are repelled by the smell of white and distilled vinegar, thus, you can use this product if you want to keep ducks away from an area.

The white or distilled vinegar has a pungent and sharp smell that is sure to keep these birds away

Warning when using it:

Apple cider vinegar can be given to ducks but this needs to be done with caution.

It is said that ducks should not be given apple cider vinegar because it can kill birds, but this isn’t actually true.

Apple cider vinegar is an acid, if you’re using a waterer made up of galvanized metal to feed your ducks then the vinegar may be causing the release of zinc into the bird’s water.

Zinc is toxic to ducks, and if birds are exposed to zinc then the birds may develop health issues. You can avoid this from happening by serving your bird’s apple cider vinegar using plastic or stainless steel containers.

Also, avoid serving your bird’s food using galvanized containers as this can also cause zinc toxicity in the birds.


Do birds hate the smell of white vinegar?

Unfortunately, even though vinegar is great for birds, the smell is not something that birds are fond of.

The animals don’t like the smell. They do not like the smell so much that vinegar is usually used as a bird-repellent mixture

Does vinegar clean bird poop?

Yes, vinegar is a great product when looking to clean up bird poop.

This product can be used on fresh and dried-up bird poop. The acidic properties of this household product help with the dissolution of uric acid which is found in bird poop

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Vinegar And Ducks (3 Ways To Use Vinegar + FAQ’s)
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