What Do Cockatiels Like To Do For Fun? (4 Ways Coackatiels Have Fun)

Cockatiels arent like humans, they don’t get to switch on the tv and watch something or jump on a streaming service to get entertained.

So, what do cockatiels do for fun? This article looks into it

What do cockatiels like to do for fun?

Cockatiels don’t like being bored, in fact, a cockatiel that is bored will start to act strangely and even aggressively, so they have to find ways to entertain themselves.

These birds will have fun doing a couple of different things. Here are things that cockatiels like to do for fun:

Play with their toys:

The birds will entertain themselves with whatever toys you’ve left in the cage for them. These birds enjoy playing with wooden chew toys, bells, foraging toys, rotating toys, swings, and perches.

Toys may be fun for birds to play with, but your birds will get bored of them soon enough, this is why it is important to replace your bird’s toys ever so often in order to keep your feathered friend interested.

Your cockatiels may also enjoy playing with odd items like commercial shredding toys, rope toys, feather toys, paper, cardboard, and untreated wood.

Listen to the radio and sing along:

A radio playing in the background will be very fun and enjoyable for your bird. Cockatiels love listening to music and they also love singing and whistling along to the music as well.

That being said, not all birds will enjoy the same music and think that listening to it is fun, try out different genres to see which the bird likes.

Birds also enjoy watching tv if given the opportunity. They will mimic frequently said words.

The bird will also dance and bounce to the beat of the song being played. If you leave the bird alone then leaving the tv or the radio on will make the bird feel as though it isn’t so alone


If these birds can’t interact with you then they will try to entertain themselves by interacting with any other birds around them.

These birds are very social and enjoy playing with each other, this is very fun for them.

The bird may also find looking into the mirror fun. These birds don’t understand that they are looking at a reflection of themselves when they look in the mirror, the bird will think that it is looking at another bird.

The birds will play with their reflection, this is very fun for them. Your cockatiel will even sing in front of the mirror as though it is singing to another bird and it will even talk to itself in the mirror.

Playing outside of the cage:

You don’t have to necessarily play with your bird when it is out of the cage, the bird will entrain itself and have fun in its own way when let out.

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What Do Cockatiels Like To Do For Fun? (4 Ways Coackatiels Have Fun)
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