Where Do Pigeons Go At Night? (Answered + FAQ’s)

Pigeons are everywhere during the day, on park benches, on roofs, flying around snatching food but where do pigeons go at night?

Pigeons will go to a warm shelter at night, their shelters include roofs of homes, trees, walls, building ledges, the underside of bridges, and openings in cliff sides. You will find pigeons huddled together in groups in these shelters, pigeons are never alone in these shelters. Them being in groups also helps protect from predators

Unlike owls, nighthawks, and other nocturnal birds, pigeons are diurnal birds – meaning they are daylight creatures and almost never come out at night. These birds carry out all their major life activities during the day to include feeding, courtship, mating and nesting.

Since pigeons are daylight creatures, but where do they go at night? This article right here has all the answers you seek.

Where do pigeons go at night?

A lot of people think pigeons go to their nests at night. But this isn’t correct. Pigeons and most other birds only build nests when expecting eggs or babies. Their nests primarily serve the purpose of keeping eggs and newly hatched babies warm.

Once adult pigeons are done nesting their young, they abandon the nest and go in search of a shelter where they can be warm and completely safe at night. It also has to be a place close to their food source.

A pigeon usually finds this shelter on the roofs of homes, trees, walls, building ledges, the underside of bridges, and openings in a cliffside – for feral pigeons living close to the sea.

A pigeon is never alone in a shelter. These creatures like to roost in large groups, so you’re likely to find a flock of pigeons sharing the same shelter at night.

Where do pigeons sleep?

A pigeon will sleep in a nest only if it has eggs or babies to nurse. After a pigeon’s eggs hatch, both parents live with their young in the nest until the squabs are old enough to abandon the nest – which usually happens at 25 to 40 days after baby pigeons are born.

When an adult pigeon has no egg or baby to care for, it is most likely to sleep in a shelter with hundreds of other pigeons in its neighbourhood.


Why do pigeons not fly at night?

These birds don’t fly at night because they need the sun and light to help them navigate.

Pigeons are diurnal; they are up during the day and sleep at night. They also don’t have night vision and aren’t always surrounded by street lights, so they can’t see at night even if they wanted to fly at night.

How do you catch pigeons at night?

Catching a pigeon at night is pretty easy; these animals can be found roosting at night on top of ledges.

They have bad night vision; so they won’t see you creeping up on them to catch them. There is a good chance you can grab one of these birds with your hands, and they won’t realize it till after the fact. 

How do pigeons protect themselves from predators at night?

Pigeons are social animals and love to stay in flocks at night.

A typical pigeon shelter will contain a large number of pigeons all from the same area. While living together in a place helps keep them warm at night, it also helps to protect them against rats, cats, and other predators.

Pigeons are also able to protect themselves and alert others around them of impending danger, by making sounds with their wings.

So, if one pigeon in a flock sees a threat coming at them, it can inform other pigeons to guard themselves or take flight by producing the warning alarm with its wings.

Do pigeons fly at night?

Pigeons are strictly daytime birds, however, a few people have sighted these birds flying at night.

You may have seen a pigeon fly during the dark and wonder if these birds are also nocturnal. The answer is no.

A pigeon will never leave its shelter at night except it is being disturbed or threatened. Some reasons why you might see a pigeon fly at night include:

Predators: We mentioned how pigeons are able to protect themselves and others from predators by making sounds with their wings. If in a shelter, other pigeons hearing this wing sound are likely to fly out of their shelter into the night.

Loud and sudden noises: At the end of the day, pigeons want a good night’s rest. In the case where a flock of pigeons live in a building inhabited by humans, loud and sudden noises at night may scare them out of their shelter.

Outdoor parties: We all know how much noise can be made during night parties. A flock of pigeons sheltered close to where a party takes place won’t be at ease, they may feel threatened and try to leave the shelter at night.

What time do birds go to sleep?

No one can say what time exactly birds, in general, go to sleep, but several studies have shown that these creatures mostly begin their night rest at somewhere around 7:30 pm to 8 pm.

Once an area gets dark, a diurnal bird will enter its safe spot and goes to sleep almost immediately.

When a bird sleeps, it doesn’t enter a state of complete unconsciousness. A bird could sleep with one eye open – this is referred to as unihemispheric sleep.

How to help birds get a good night’s sleep

If you have birds living on your property and don’t want them to leave, there are certain things you shouldn’t be doing.

Don’t leave lights on at night: Studies have shown that lights can greatly affect the sleep patterns of birds.  Sleep deprivation is bad for birds just as much as it is for humans. Birds need to sleep properly at night or risk suffering a breakdown.

No loud noise at night: Pigeons aren’t tough birds; they get scared easily. Loud noises make them uneasy and may even force them out of their shelters at night. To help them sleep well at night, it’s always best to keep every noise at a minimum.


Pigeons are daylight animals when night falls, they must retire to their place of rest. But these creatures rarely sleep in a nest. The only time a pigeon uses a nest is when it has a baby to nurture.

Pigeons are social animals that prefer to live in crowded shelters. Staying in a shelter with other pigeons doesn’t only help to keep these birds warm during the cold night, it also keeps them safe.

If you’re interested in pigeons you may also be interested in these articles: When do pigeons lay eggs? When do baby pigeons start to fly? What do pigeons eat in the city? What do pigeons taste like? Click the links to read more

Where Do Pigeons Go At Night? (Answered + FAQ’s)
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