White Spots On Turtle Head (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Spots on your turtle’s head will likely worry you and make you think that there is a problem with your pet.

This article looks into the reason why your pet turtle may have white spots on its head.

White spots on turtle head:

If your turtle suddenly develops white spots on its head then figuring out what you’re up against is a must before taking action.

Here is why your beloved pet is suffering from white spots on its head:

Skin shedding:

One of the most common reasons why your turtle may have white spots on its head may be that the skin on your pet’s head is shedding.

Shedding is normal for turtles. As the animal’s body grows its skin flakes off, the skin can’t grow at the same rate as the animal’s body so it sheds and flakes off.

Shedding in turtles happens in patches and comes off as white flakes. The white spots on your turtle’s head may simply be the start of the animal shedding.

This skin will start hanging off of your pet’s head before it finally falls off.

What to do:

This is normal behavior and all turtles will shed their skin as they age.

What you shouldn’t do is try to remove the shedding skin yourself, the skin will fall off when it is ready.

Mineral deposits:

If your turtle starts developing white spots on its head then this may happen because of its environment, its hard water in particular, rather than something in your pet’s body.

If your pet is swimming around in hard water then you may find that it develops white spots on its head.

Hard water is abundant in calcium carbonate and magnesium.

These minerals can collect on surfaces, like on the glass in your pet’s aquarium, as well as on your pet’s head, so what you may be seeing on your pet may simply be mineral deposits.

What to do:

You don’t have to worry if you see this happening with your pet, this is normal for turtles who are around hard water.

The deposits of calcium carbonate and magnesium, if left on your pet’s skin, may cause the skin to deteriorate.

It is recommended that you rather use soft water in your pet’s aquarium.

If you’re concerned you can get your pet to a vet, or better yet a reptile specialist vet, to have your pet checked.

Fungal infection:

Another reason why your pet may have white spots on its head may be that your turtle has a fungal infection on its skin.

Fungal infections in this case will cause your pet to develop fuzzy white or grey patches on its skin.

The patches may not only appear on the animal’s head, but may also appear on other parts of your pet, on the skin.

Other signs of a skin infection on your turtle include a cheeselike substance on the animal’s skin, peeling, flaking, or blisters on the skin.

A turtle who is basking in an inadequate basking area or has poor water quality may develop a skin infection.

What to do:

While this is easy to treat if it is not treated this disease can be fatal to your little animal.

The best thing you can do for your pet, in this case, is to consult a veterinarian who specializes in skin fungus and other turtle health issues.

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White Spots On Turtle Head (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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