Your chickens can sometimes be funny and do some unexpected things and some of these unexpected things include jumping on your back.
But why would a chicken jump on their owner’s back? This article looks into why your bird may be doing this
Why do chickens jump on your back?
Chickens like to jump on their owner’s backs because they enjoy it and they are comfortable around you.
Chickens are quite active birds and if they are comfortable being around you they will be very active. Only birds who are not comfortable around you will keep to themselves
Chickens also enjoy jumping on a lot of things including their roosts, straw bales, and you, if they like you enough.
This is just some harmless fun for the birds. The birds may also do this if they want some attention from you.
Chickens will do a lot of things to try to get your attention, they will follow you around to try to get your attention, they will make noise when you are around, they will peck at your toes to get your attention, they will look up at you often and they will jump on your back to try to get your attention.
What to do:
This attention-seeking behavior is quite normal for chickens and is not something that you’d need to worry about, your little birds simply like being around you.
In fact, the bird wanting to be around you is a good thing, you can be happy that your bird wants to be around you in the first place.
If you don’t like that your birds are doing this then you can stop this behavior by putting the bird down and not giving it attention when it jumps on your back.
Removing the bird will communicate that you don’t like this behavior and that the bird will not get any attention by jumping on your back.
Also, watch out for birds who jump and then perch on your back.
Some birds will perch simply to perch but some birds will start to peck at you while on you, this can become very dangerous if the bird mistakes your eyes for a tasty treat so be cautious if your bird perches on you.
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