Owning pets can be a very curious experience, these animals have personalities of their own and have habits that may seem strange to us.
One such behavior that may seem strange to us is beak rubbing, this article explores why your bird may be doing this
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Why do conures rub their beaks on things?
The longer you live with your animals the more you will understand them and get used to their habits. One of these habits may be beak rubbing.
Here is why your conure may rub its beak on things:
The bird feels relaxed:
The beak can be used by your conure to express its feelings and to communicate. This communication tool can be used to communicate with you and to communicate with other birds.
Your bird will rub its beak against you to communicate to you that it is comfortable and relaxed.
The bird may also do this as a way of showing its affection towards you, or, the bird may do this as a way to simply give you hugs and kisses.
This is a good thing as it can take some time and effort on your side to make the bird feel comfortable enough to feel relaxed around you.
If the bird is doing this with you then you can rest assured that the bird feels content, safe, and happy around you.
If your conure is rubbing its beak on a variety of things in the house then this can mean that the bird is exploring and is using its beak to do this exploring.
A bird that is rubbing its beak on your skin will do this to explore the feeling of your skin, a bird that does this on your clothes is exploring the feeling of the fabrics.
If your conure uses its beak to rub your furniture and surfaces then the bird is exploring these parts of your home.
Using the beak as a napkin:
Taking note of when your conure rubs its beak can help you figure out why the bird is doing the rubbing.
If your conure chooses to rub its beak right after it eats then the bird may simply be using the surface as a napkin.
Birds can get their beaks dirty if they eat juicy foods like suet, juicy insects, and juicy fruits.
The food can get on the bird’s beak and the bird will want to remove the mess, your conure will do this by rubbing its beak against things.
Beak grinding:
If your bird is rubbing its beak on a rough surface and is rubbing vigorously as though its beak is itchy then the bird may simply be grinding its beak down.
The beaks of birds are covered by a thin layer of keratin which is forever growing, this is the same material that our hair and nails are made out of.
This material keeps growing so it needs to be ground down to keep the bird’s beak from growing too much and keep it from growing to an unmanageable length and size, this is called beak grinding.
What to do:
You don’t have to do anything if your bird is grinding its beak against you for the above reasons, this is normal.
You do however would have to worry if the bird is showing signs of distress along with the beak rubbing. Take your bird to the vet if this is the case.
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