Your pet bird may act in ways that may seem quite unusual and odd, like the bird trying to eat your hair
So, is the bird hungry or is there something else up? This article looks into it
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Why does my bird eat my hair?
Birds don’t do anything for no good reason, including something as odd as eating your hair.
If your bird does this, then the bird is simply preening you.
If your bird is preening you then you should be happy and flattered. Preening means that the bird loves you and cares about you a lot.
The same way that birds will preen their feathers to make sure that they are sitting neatly and are clean, your pet bird will preen your hair to make sure that it is aligned, clean, and neat.
A bird preening you is also a sign that your bird trusts you enough to come near you, let its guard down, and take the time to clean you up. It is a major show of affection.
What to do:
If you’re fine with your bird doing this then you can let the bird be.
Preening doesn’t mean that your bird has nutritional deficiencies so you don’t have to worry.
Note: If you’re going to continue letting your bird do this then make sure that you don’t have loads of hair products in your hair.
Hair products haven’t been tested in birds, and the ingestion of these products may have unwanted side effects on your bird
If you don’t want the bird to do this, because you’ve been noticing that your hair is becoming shorter and shorter where the bird eats, you can take action.
Take action by covering your head with a hat, a scarf or, with anything else that will block the bird from your hair.
You can also show the bird that you don’t approve of this behavior by putting the bird in its cage once it starts to play with your hair.
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