Your pet bird may do some odd and funny things from time to time, like nibbling your hair, and you may wonder why the bird does this.
This article is a quick look into why your bird nibbles your hair.
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Why does my bird nibble my hair?
Pet birds love to nibble on foods and treats but nibbling on hair is quite odd.
This is actually a common thing that birds do. Here is why your bird is doing this:
A bird who is nibbling your hair doesn’t see this as hair nibbling, your bird sees this as taking care of your appearance, it is preening you.
Preening is a maintenance behavior that birds do to keep their feathers clean and looking good.
A bird will use its beak to position its feathers when preening itself, and will use its beak to move, nibble, and cut your hair when it preens you
Birds seem to be obsessed with preening the people, and the fellow birds, that they love and feel comfortable with.
A bird nibbling your hair is a good thing and it means that your bird loves and feels comfortable around you.
What to do:
Preening is normal and isn’t something to worry about.
You can choose to let the bird sit on you and preen you, or, you can choose to stop this behavior.
If you love your bird, but aren’t so happy with the bird snipping your hair as it preens you, then you can keep the bird from preening you or communicate that you don’t like this behavior.
Stop the nibbling from happening by wearing a cap, a hat, or a scarf to keep the bird’s beak away from your hair.
You can also discourage this behavior in your bird by removing it from your head, or shoulders, and putting the bird in its cage when it starts nibbling.
If you do this often enough, the bird will come to realize that you don’t like this behavior.
You can alternatively let the bird be, and allow it to preen you.
This may be good as it will strengthen the bond between the two of you.
If you choose to let the bird preen you, then keep the bird safe by not wearing too many hair products on your hair every day.
Hair products aren’t meant to be eaten by birds, the consumption of the hair products by your bird may not be the best for it.
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