Keeping ducks can be fun and exciting but it can also be confusing and concerning.
There are a few behaviors that your duck may show that seem odd to you, behaviors like the duck jumping on you
This article explores why your duck may be jumping on you.
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Why does my duck jump on me?
Ducks always have a reason for doing something, even if the reason is somewhat odd to us humans.
Inserting human emotions or human logic when trying to understand why ducks do things will be unhelpful, we need to understand why a duck is doing something from the bird’s perspective.
Here is why your duck may be jumping on you:
The duck is playing with you:
It may not seem like it but your ducks will lunge at you as a way of playing with you, the bird may lunge its whole body at you or may lunge its head at you when you are around and playing with it.
Birds simply do this because they are overly stimulated
What to do:
You don’t have to worry if your bird is doing this, as long as the jumps and lunges aren’t aggressive and the bird isn’t biting you as the bird lunges at you then you should be quite alright.
The bird is being territorial:
If your bird is jumping at you because you are new to it or because you are bringing someone new to it then the bird may simply be jumping because it is territorial.
Ducks are surprisingly territorial and will defend their space against intruders by being very aggressive.
The bird will fight and be aggressive and may even try to jump on you if you are new to it or bring someone around who the duck doesn’t know.
Other signs of aggression in ducks include flapping their wings at you, pecking you, and making loud noises at you to try to get you to keep away.
What to do:
If the bird is jumping on you to protect its space because it doesn’t know you then you’d have to get the bird to like you.
You can get the bird to like you by offering the bird treats to that you are harmless. Do not try to get close to the bird while doing this, give the bird space, this will show that you aren’t a threat.
Once the bird has gotten used to you, then you can get closer to it and pet it without the bird jumping on you.
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