Taking care of your hair is all a part of making sure that you look well put together and well groomed.
If your pet parrot comes along, and tries to eat your hair, this will likely make you look ungroomed.
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Why does my parrot eat my hair?
Parots like to explore and will put things in their mouths that shouldn’t really be in their mouths, things like hair.
Here is why your parrot is eating your hair:
If your bird is eating your hair, and doing other things like playing with your hair, then the parrot is simply preening your hair.
Birds will preen themselves, they will preen other birds, and, they will preen people that they love.
Bird-to-bird preening looks like straightening another bird’s feathers. Bird-to-human preening looks like playing in, and eating, your hair.
This is an affectionate gesture, your parrot simply wants to make sure that you look presentable.
Your parrot may want to preen you so badly that it will try to get into your bun or ponytail if you put your hair up in this way.
The bird can be very focused when it wants to eat your hair.
Your pet parrot may bite your hair when it is young and this behavior may also continue into adulthood.
The bird simply enjoys eating your hair that much.
What to do:
This is normal behavior and isn’t something worth worrying about as long as you’re happy for the bird to do this.
If you don’t want your parrot to eat your hair then you can wear a scarf, a hat, or anything else that covers your head, to keep the bird from eating your hair.
You can also put your parrot back in its cage when it does this.
Putting the bird back in its cage is a way of discouraging this behavior.
Be sure to give the bird enough shredding toys to play with when you do this.
Hair products are not meant to be eaten, especially by parrots.
If you’re using hair products on your hair, and are letting your bird eat your hair, then you may have to keep the bird away from your hair, or, stop using hair products.
Your hair products haven’t been tested on parrots so adverse effects may develop if this is left to go on.
The hair on your head will become shorter as your bird eats at it so know that this may happen if you let your bird preen your hair.
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