Tortoises, no matter how young or old, may exhibit behaviors that you’ve never seen before, behaviors that are unusual to you, one such behavior is the animal walking into walls
This article looks into why your tortoise may walk into walls
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Why does my tortoise walk into walls?
All animals come with their fair share of bizarre and odd behaviors, these behaviors may sometimes worry you, and one behavior that may confuse you is the animal walking into walls
This article looks into why your tortoise walks into walls.
It doesn’t understand glass:
If the walls of your pet’s enclosure are made out of glass then the animal may be walking into the wall because it is trying to explore its environment further but can’t.
These animals don’t understand that glass is a solid object that they can’t walk through, your pet will keep walking into a wall not understanding that it is contained
Your pet may do this because it feels frustrated that there is a lack of space in the enclosure and because it is bored in the enclosure so it is trying to explore more.
What to do:
If you can’t immediately get a bigger enclosure then try to make the space more exciting for your pet by changing the environment in the enclosure.
Move things around and add more surfaces that the animal can climb up and use.
You can also let the animal out of the enclosure from time to time and allow it to wander around your home or wander around your garden to get it to stretch its legs.
To help the animal understand that it is in an enclosed space you can tape cardboard or paper to the glass walls of the enclosure, this will help the animal understand that it is enclosed.
It is trying to escape:
If the walls of your pet’s enclosure are solid and the animal seems to be trying to walk through them and keeps hitting them, or tries to climb up the walls, then the animal likely doesn’t want to be in the enclosure.
This may be happening because the tortoise is not used to the space and the unfamiliar environment is unsettling for it so it wants out.
The enclosure being too small can also cause the tortoise to want to escape. A lack of space in the enclosure will quickly make the animal frustrated and make it want to get out.
What to do:
If your pet is new to your home then it may simply need some more time to get used to its space and get used to its surroundings. Once it is used to its new home it won’t try to get out.
As long as you give your pet everything it needs to live comfortably in the enclosure your pet should be fine.
If your tortoise doesn’t want to be in the enclosure because the space is too small then upgrade your pet’s enclosure to something that is better suited for the reptile
Your pet tortoise needs a space that is 6 times as long and wide as it. While this doesn’t have to be exact giving your pet as much space as you can is recommended.
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