Why Does My Turtle Tank Have Bubbles? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)

Your turtle’s tank is meant to be clean and clear. If the tank is not clean and clear, if the tank has bubbles, then you may start to worry about the tank and the animal’s health as a result.

This article us a look into why your turtle’s tank has bubbles

Why does my turtle tank have bubbles?

Any new additions to your pet’s tank will make you worry about your pet’s health, the environment that your pet tank is in will be a big determining factor on whether your turtle is healthy or not

Here is why there may be bubbles in your pet turtles tank:

Cleaning products:

One of the simplest reasons why there may be bubbles in your pet’s tank may be that there are cleaning products in the water.

When you pour more water in, or when water splashes around, the cleaning products cause bubbles.

What to do:

You can remedy this by using a water conditioner in your pet’s tank, this will get rid of any of the necessary chemicals in the tank

Using cleaning products in the tank is not recommended so avoid using them the next time you clean your pet’s tank


Another of the reasons why there may be bubbles in your pet’s tank is that there are large amounts of ammonia present in your pet’s water.

Large amounts of ammonia develop in your pet’s water when the ammonia in the turtle’s urine turns into nitrate and nitrite.

This phenomenon is more common in newer aquarium filters because in the early stages, the newer filters don’t have enough microbes to break down the ammonia in the water so the ammonia is left to accumulate.

What to do:

As the filter gets older, and more used, it will start to accumulate more microbes and these will break down the ammonia over time.

An immediate solution would be to do a partial water change, do a partial water change to avoid getting rid of too many of the microbes that already exist in the tank.

You may also want to get a stronger and bigger filter for your tank.

It is recommended that you use a filter that is designed to be used in a tank that is 3 to 4 times the size of the tank that you’re currently using.


Another of the reasons why there may be bubbles in your pet’s tank may be because of the food in your pet’s tank.

Turtles are messy eaters, when you feed them they will rip their food apart and the food will find itself all over the tank and in the water.

Over time the oils from the leftover food will eventually collect and form bubbles in the water

What to do:

The filter that you’re using may not be cleaning the tank as effectively as needed, if the problem is really bad then you may need to consider getting a bigger and stronger filter.

It is recommended that you use a canister filter and make sure that the filter that you’re using is designed for a tank that is 3 to 4 times the size of the tank that you have.

Another way to minimize this problem is to feed your pet in a separate container and then put it back into its tank once it is done eating.

Doing this is also helpful as turtles generally poop when they are eating so they will poop in the container rather than the tank.

When doing this make sure that the water in a separate container is deep enough that the turtle can get its head underwater to swallow

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Why Does My Turtle Tank Have Bubbles? (3 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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