Flight is a gift that many birds have and many birds seem to enjoy, these animals will gracefully glide through the sky on a regular basis.
But, some birds will not glide and will fly in a crazy way. This article looks into why your budgie is flying like crazy.
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Why is my budgie flying crazy?
Flying crazy is not normal for any birds, budgies included. So, if this is happening with your bird then you know that something is up.
Here are reasons why your budgie may be flying crazy:
If your bird is used to being caged, so used to being caged that it seems to prefer being caged, then the bird may panic once you let it out of its cage.
Budgies like routine, they enjoy daily, weekly, and monthly routines and will quickly get used to the routine you give them.
Their routine is helpful as it keeps anxiety and stress away.
If you change your bird’s routine and allow the bird to start flying around, then the bird may become anxious and start to fly in a crazy way because of this anxiety.
What to do:
This behavior is not uncommon in birds whose routines suddenly change.
If this happens don’t worry, the bird will be just fine once it realizes that there are no threats around that will harm them.
The bird will also be just fine as soon as the bird gets used to the routine of flying around out of its cage.
The more you let your budgie out of its cage and bond with it, the calmer it will be when it flies.
It is scared:
Another reason why your budgie may be flying crazy may be that it is scared of something in its environment.
Budgies are quite small and a lot of things may scare them.
Simple things like a shadow, new people in the room, your domestic pets, and loud noises can scare your budgie.
The bird will fly around crazily and erratically trying to get away from the perceived threat.
What to do:
If your bird is doing this then get the bird back into its cage and cover the cage, cover either fully or all but one side.
Doing this will keep the bird from seeing the threat and will calm the bird down
Once this is done, try to find the threat and remove it.
The bird will calm down after some time. Once calm, remove the covering from the cage and let the bird fly out of its cage again.
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