Why Is My Canary Whimpering? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)

Whimpering, whether it’s coming from a dog, a cat, a person, or a canary, is usually not a good sign.

It usually communicates that a person or animal is feeling unwell, but how about when it comes to canaries?

This article looks into why your canary is whimpering.

Why is my canary whimpering?

Any sign of distress coming from your canary will likely worry you no matter how big or small the sign is.

Your canary may be whimpering and this may be worrying you. This is why your bird may be whimpering:

The bird is about to sleep:

If your bird is whimpering at night, just before it goes to sleep, then the bird may simply be talking itself to sleep.

This is normal behavior and many canaries will do this.

Many but not all canaries will do this, so, if some of your canaries do this, but some don’t, you don’t have to be alarmed.

What to do:

You don’t have to do anything if your bird is doing this, and you don’t have to worry.

Canaries talking to themselves or whimpering before falling asleep is normal.

As long as there are no signs of distress or illness along with the whimpering, then the bird should be fine.

If you do see signs of disease or illness in your bird once it starts making these sounds then you may want to take the bird to the vet.

Signs of distress and illness in your bird include aggression, boredom, loss of appetite, and feather picking.

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Why Is My Canary Whimpering? (1 Reason Why + What To Do)
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