Why Is My Duck Acting Drunk? (4 Reasons Why + What To Do)

A duck walking around waddling is normal, it may look weird but this is perfectly normal, what isn’t normal is your duck walking around looking drunk

A duck that is wobbly, not standing upright, and being off balance is concerning, this article looks into why this happens.

Why is my duck acting drunk?

If your bird starts to walk around as though it is drunk then you’d be right to be worried, a change in how your duck acts is a sign that something is going on with your bird, here is why your bird may be walking around as though it is drunk:


Mareks disease is a very common bird disease and it is very common in small flocks. It is caused by the herpes virus and can cause lameness and paralysis making the bird seem as though it is drunk

Other signs of this ailment in your birds include diarrhea, difficulty breathing, a skin texture change, vision improvement, and complete paralysis.


Coccidiosis can affect a variety of birds, ducks included. This is a parasitic infection that is caused by the coccidia parasite.

The parasite can contaminate feed or water and cause your bird to develop symptoms like lameness as though the bird is drunk and can’t walk, dehydration, convulsions, ruffled feathers, decreased thirst, weight loss, loss of appetite, tremors, emaciation and eventually death

Zinc poisoning:

Zinc poisoning can develop in ducks who are exposed to galvanized wire that isn’t vinyl coated. If objects made up of galvanized wire become immersed in water then the zinc can leach into water and poison your birds

Other signs of zinc poisoning include instability of the bird’s legs, weakness, droopy wings, excessive drinking, dehydration, weight loss, diarrhea, and seizures.


Botulism is another illness that can cause your bird to act as though it is drunk. A bacteria called clostridium botulinum produces a toxin and this toxin is what causes this sickness in ducks.

If your birds eat food or drink a drink that contains this toxin then the bird can begin to suffer from this ailment.

Signs that your bird is suffering from this ailment include being hunched over and sitting on the floor as though the bird is drunk, a floppy and weak neck, and the inability to stand

What to do:

Your bird may be walking around like it’s drunk because of a variety of reasons as shown in the above.

Trying to figure out why your bird is acting drunk can take a long time and you still may not figure out why your bird is acting this way. The recommended solution for a bird in this condition is to take it to the vet

The vet will do a physical exam on the bird as well as run a variety of tests on the bird to figure out what is wrong with it.

Once the vet diagnoses the problem they can offer treatment for the bird’s condition if treatment options are available.

The vet may also have the bird stay at the pet hospital overnight if the bird needs it.

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Why Is My Duck Acting Drunk? (4 Reasons Why + What To Do)
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