Ducks may not be able to intimidate you with their appearance or size, but, they can intimidate you with their quacks, and the other noises that they make, including squeaking.
This article looks into why your female duck may be squeaking.
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Why is my female duck squeaking?
Ducks are one of the more vocal birds in the bird kingdom, their quacks can be heard from far and wide but how about their squeaks? and why do ducks make these squeaking noises?
Here is why your female duck may be squeaking:
It’s a voice change:
If your female duck is between 6 to 8 weeks old then it may be squeaking because its voice is about to change.
A young duckling will start off peeping, both male and female ducks will start off peeping after hatching. Your duck’s voice will start to change around 6 to 8 weeks old.
Female ducks will move from peeping to a quacking sound, but, she may start to make squeaking sounds between these two stages
Not all ducks will make this sound during a voice change but some ducks will.
What to do:
You don’t have to do anything if your bird is doing this, this is a sign that the bird is maturing normally, some birds will squeak and some birds will not.
If the bird starts to show signs of distress along with its squeaking then this may be a sign that your bird may be sick and that you need to take the bird to the vet.
The bird is happy:
If your bird is past the voice-breaking stage, and it is already making quacking noises, then the female may simply be making squeaking noises because it is happy.
A happy duck will quack repeatedly in a high-pitched or squeaky tone.
Your happy female duck will repeatedly release a loud high-pitched noise and she will also bob her head up and down when she is happy.
The birds may be doing this for a variety of reasons including getting a treat from you, or, if you add fresh water to their pool
What to do:
You don have to worry if your bird is squeaking because it is happy, this is actually a good thing, it means that your bird is happy and is comfortable enough with you to show that it is happy.
Keep giving your bird treats and filling up its pool with water to keep the bird happy and squeaking.
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